Look at it!The latest reminder of Changsha Disease Control!

Author:Changsha release Time:2022.07.10

Recently, Anhui, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Fujian, Shandong and other places have successively reported the local gathering epidemic caused by the mutant strains of Omikon. On July 9, Nanchang's positive infected person in the country discovered three infected people during the investigation during the investigation of Nanchang activities. In order to effectively control the risk of input of the epidemic and consolidate the results of the difficulty of epidemic prevention and control in our city, the Changsha Disease Control Center reminds:

1. Citizens who have recently traveling travel plans should inquire the latest epidemic prevention and control policies of the destination through the Chinese Government Network and the State Council client applets before travel, actively cooperate with local epidemic prevention and control measures, and do personal protection on the way.

2. Entering (returning) personnel reported to report 2 days in advance through the "My Changsha" APP or "My Changsha" applet, and those with the risk of immune should immediately report to the community (village), accommodation hotels and units. Cooperate with relevant prevention and control measures. Those who have a personal itinerary and health status of concealment and lies may be investigated for legal responsibility in accordance with the law.

3. Personnel who leave the land border port and areas with local epidemics within 7 days need to hold 48 hours of kernel acid test negative proof (return). In accordance with the principle of "willing to inspect the inspection", the provinces enter (return) will carry out nucleic acid test as soon as possible after entering (returning).

4. The majority of citizens continue to maintain awareness of prevention and control and not relax, adhere to normal prevention and control measures, keep in mind the "protection of the five protection", the mask must be worn, the social distance must be left, the cough and sneezing must be covered, the hands should be washed frequently, and the hands should be washed frequently. The windows should be opened as much as possible. Get less and get less, avoid gathers in places with poor ventilation and closed space.

5. To do a good job of health monitoring, once symptoms such as fever, dry cough, fatigue, sore throat, smell (taste) consciousness, diarrhea and other symptoms, personal protection should be done, and immediately go to medical institutions to cause a popular kidney consultation to avoid taking public transportation.

6. Inoculation of the new crown vaccine is the most economical and effective means to prevent and control new crown pneumonia. Citizens who meet the conditions for vaccination conditions of the new crown vaccination will actively complete the vaccination and strengthen the vaccination as soon as possible.

7. Enter the public places to actively cooperate with the "place code", so that you must sweep, you must take advantage of it, and you must not miss one person.

Source 丨 Changsha Published

Supply 丨 Changsha Disease Control

Edit 丨 Leis School Division 丨 Tangwei

Review 丨 Du Jin

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