Come and vote!Which businesses do you want to "do cross -province"?

Author:Top news Time:2022.06.14

In September 2020, the General Office of the State Council issued the "Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the" Cross -provincial General Office "for accelerating government services", and launched 140 high -frequency matters related to the development of enterprise development and mass life. Outpatient costs are directly settled in provinces, unemployment insurance bonds ... More and more things have been processed in different places!

In order to better meet everyone's demand for different places,

From June 13th to June 30, 2022,

The General Office of the State Council once again solicited the "cross -provincial generalization" of high -frequency government services to the society.

□ Outpatient Slow Special Disease Cross -provincial Direct Settlement?

□ Temporary resident ID card is processed in different places?

□ The marriage certificate and divorce certificate are lost in different places?

□ Pay taxes for electronics in different places?


What other needs do you want to achieve across provinces as soon as possible?

What problems do you encounter when you work in a different place?

Come here to participate in voting messages

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For the general concern of enterprises and the masses, we will study carefully,

Promote these matters as soon as possible


Source: China Government Network

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