In 2022, Wuhan Youth Summer National Security Education Series Science Popularization Activities launched in an all -round way

Author:Wuhan Science and Technology N Time:2022.07.10

"Let's join hands together to be the national security guards in the new era!" On the morning of July 10th, the 2022 Wuhan Youth Summer National Security Education Series Science and Technology Museum jointly sponsored by the Wuhan Municipal Committee Office and the Municipal Science and Technology Association in Wuhan The official launch of the "Guoan Patriotic Popular Science Team" wearing a red scarf issued an initiative to the city's teenagers, calling on the majority of young people to solidarize the overall national security outlook on national security to enhance the awareness of maintaining national security. The launching ceremony was chaired by Zhang Ruoguang, a member of the Party Group of the Municipal Science and Technology Association.

Yin Yumei, deputy secretary -general of the municipal party committee and deputy director of the Municipal Party Committee State Security Office in charge of daily work, awarded the "Wuhan National Security Education Base" to Wuhan Science and Technology Museum.

Zhang Dongfeng, Deputy Secretary -General of the Municipal Party Committee, and Chen Guangyong, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Municipal Association of Science and Technology Association, awarded the flag to the "Guoan Poor Popular Science Team".

The "Guoan Palerma Popular Science Team" representative reads the initiative.

Cao Wenxuan, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, sent a saying to the young representatives on the spot, and proposed the ardent hope of "propaganda, practitioner, and contributor to maintain national security." Cao Wenxuan said that maintaining national security is both a national responsibility and a citizen responsibility. Young people should fully practice the overall national security outlook, and do propagandians, practitioners and contributors who maintain national security, unite the majestic forces to maintain national security in the whole society, work together to build a national security barrier, and consolidate the national security society. The foundation, jointly guarding the safe China.

"National Security is an important cornerstone of Anbang Dingguo. Maintaining national security is the fundamental interests of the people of all ethnic groups across the country." Li Yilong, deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and secretary of the Municipal Party Committee Political and Legal Committee, said that through the publicity and education of the overall national security outlook on adolescents, it is possible Knowledge learning and understanding, improving the ability of adolescents to prevent risks is of great significance to maintaining national security. It is hoped that relying on the national security theme publicity series of popular science activities, guide the public to actively fulfill the responsibility of maintaining national security, strengthen the awareness of maintaining national security, and strive to create a good atmosphere of the responsibility and everyone's responsibility for maintaining national security. Top ten victories were held.

The guests pushed the rod to start the activity.

After the launching ceremony, Huang Yan, deputy chief engineer of the Yangtze River Water Resources Commission, used the title of the basin to give a popular science lecture. The guests visited the popular science education exhibition with the theme of ecological security.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Municipal Science and Technology Association, from July 10th to August 31st, the city will carry out the lectures on ecological security theme popular science education exhibitions, special experts in key areas of national security, and "Dan Qing Miao Bi Hexin as the Guardian Guardian of Guoan" for the party "" Theme painting competition, "children's words and childlike language national security" online story meeting, national security theme popular science drama show, popular science caravan tuck exhibition, etc. These activities not only enrich the city's youth summer cultural life, but also a series of very distinctive characteristics The "compulsory courses" of national security education.

The reporter learned that the first batch of 10 municipal security education bases in our city was officially named in April this year. These national security education bases spread all over the three towns of Wuhan, focusing on the theme of national security education, combined with their own characteristics, presenting the country's own characteristics to present the country Contents in different fields. These bases integrate knowledge, interest, and integration, and have become important places for citizens to learn national security knowledge. This summer's national security education series activities are a series of national security publicity and education activities relying on the national security education bases around youth. It is reported that our city will also launch a group of national security education bases around citizens to promote the people's awareness of maintaining national security.

Source: Wuhan Science and Technology News

Reporter: Sheng Tian

Photography: Liu Lian

Correspondent: Tan Chen

Edit: Zhao Jiaying

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