Luo Ding: Warm and drum hard to promote the creation of Guangdong -level civilized cities in Guangdong Province

Author:Luoding City Rong Media Center Time:2022.07.10

On July 8th, in 2022, Luoding City founded the Guangdong -level civilized urban work conference in Guangdong Province was held in the auditorium of the Party School of the Municipal Party Committee. The strongest strength and highest standards promoted the work of the establishment of a county -level civilized city in Guangdong Province. Ye Hongjie, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Minister of Propaganda Department, and Executive Deputy Director of the Creation Office, attended the meeting and gave a speech.

The meeting pointed out that since the promotion of civilized cities, urban infrastructure such as urban road networks, drainage networks, pipelines, garden greening, and identification lines has been greatly improved. Volunteer service stations, maternal and infant rooms, barrier -free parking space facilities, etc. There are also obvious progress, environmental hygiene, traffic order, and city appearance and city appearance have changed significantly.

The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to attach great importance to it, effectively enhance the sense of responsibility of creating a civilized city work, unify the ideas and actions to the requirements of the municipal party committee and municipal government, and effectively strengthen the planning of the leadership of the work of creating a civilized city. With the determination and determination of war to win, promote the various tasks of creating a civilized city; we must compact responsibilities, grasp the implementation of various tasks, and strive to make up for the shortcomings of infrastructure construction to improve the level of urban management; Check the leakage and replenishment in a timely manner, and make every effort to promote the work of creating a county -level civilized city in Guangdong Province; in order to tree the "one game of chess", in accordance with the requirements of "party committee leaders, government leaders, town streets, departmental coordination, and participation of the whole people" , Strive to form a good situation in unison, laid a more solid foundation for Luoding City to successfully create a county -level civilized city in Guangdong Province.

The meeting informed Luoding City's work in the previous stage of creating a civilized city and the main issues of existing existence, and proposed the work goals and tasks of the next stage.

Reporter | Tan Xiaode, Lin Silin, Chen Zhizhen

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