Shenzhen Dapeng Office builds a community living park for the elderly in the community

Author:Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Time:2022.07.10

"The five -star red flag fluttering the wind, how loud the victory singing ..." The singing of more than 30 elderly people was neat and brighter, attracting adults and children to stop and listen. Recently, the reporter walked into the first elderly service center set up by Dapeng Office, which was catching up with the old people to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the party and the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland. At the event, the old people watched the wonderful scene of the anti -Japanese movie "When is the Mingyue"; appreciated the Dapeng Mountain Song of Dapeng's non -genetic singer Liu Heizai's deeds ... The party's grace promotes the spirit of the party.

The Elderly Service Center is located in the Queen Mother Community Poly Champagne Court District. The total construction area is 1006.91 square meters. It is equipped with aging facilities, as well as activities such as chess and card rooms, calligraphy and painting rooms, and multi -function rooms. Essence "We launch a large -scale theme event every month, and we usually have various club activities every day, such as the Singyou Club, Health Care Club, Calligraphy Club ..." Yang Jun, head of the elder service center, told reporters that the center uses smart technology to use smart technology Power, relying on the 907 smart pension service platform, combined with the rich coastal cultural resources of Dapeng New District, to create a one -stop innovation comprehensive pension service agency featuring "living care for the elderly+non -heritage culture+the elder club" Care, dietary supply, cultural entertainment, health rehabilitation, home care, tourism, and living care for more than ten kinds of pension services.

Aunt Zhang is a frequent visitor to the elder's service center. She said that she would ask the old sisters in the elderly service center every morning to do exercises together. I like to participate in various health lectures held by the service center. "Last month, I received the" Health Gift Pack "sent by the service center, which not only gained the knowledge of preventing stroke, but also got the opportunity to get free medical examinations."

In order to build the streets, communities, communities, and family coverage, coordinated, convenient and efficient "level four pension service networks", Dapeng Office Director Service Center gives full play to the service integration function, linked the decentralized service resources in the jurisdiction, relying on the complex We will unify all kinds of services and refer to, and form a "one center and multi -site" linkage service mode with the service stations and community service stations and community service sites. At the same time, in combination with the construction of "virtual nursing homes", the information distribution center for the old service is formed, thereby improving the service efficiency and making the elderly more convenient and fast to obtain convenient pension services.

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