[First -line fax] A pair of police shoes, walk through the mountains and rivers, witness the beginning of the hearts of the people

Author:Police Garden Time:2022.07.10

They rely on a pair of police shoes to wading mountains and wading, building a strong line of defense for the motherland's border; they ran around the day and night with a pair of police shoes to escort the safety of the people; they rely on a pair of police shoes to walk into the village village and enter the hearts of the border people. The pairs of police shoes of the AFP of the Dulong River Border Police Station always witnessed the original intention of their liver and Chicheng dedication to the people of the people.

A pair of police shoes, escort the lives of the people

"I don't have Nike, without Adidas, I have only one pair of police shoes."

At about 3 am on April 2, 2022, Li Longwu, a police officer of the police station, sent such a circle of friends.

At 1 am that day, a rumbling sound broke the tranquility of the late night of Dulongjiang Township. Landscapes occurred near the Dilongjiang Highway Maintenance Station. DC.

After receiving the police at the duty room on the police station, the police force quickly sent the police to the rescue. "I am small, the space is forced here, let me go!" Police Li Longwu took the initiative to ask, he used the characteristics of his body thin and squeezed into the ruins. Following the direction of calling for help, the police quickly found the trapped man. Due to the narrow space, the police worried that he would cause secondary harm to the man. Li Longwu and everyone dug a lifeline.

During the rescue process, the gravel mud continued to fall. The auxiliary policeman rescued and alerted it. He finally successfully rescued the trapped man and sent it to the hospital in time to rescue.

Large and small rescue missions like this, the auxiliary police officers of the police station have experienced countless times. They habitually hang raincoats on the wardrobe before resting every day, so that they can go to the rescue as soon as possible when they are in danger.

A pair of police shoes, guarding the border harmonious and peaceful

The average of more than 280 days a year on Dulongjiang Township has brought many difficulties to patrol the police and auxiliary police.

Before each patrol, the auxiliary police officers must be "all armed." Through the virgin forest of the forest, the muddy narrow roads, climbing through the increasingly decaying dangerous bamboo bridge, the cold and turbulent stream, facing the annoying mosquito, bloodthirsty grasshopper, toxic snakes For the first time, ordinary people were frightened.

Affected by the weather, the road patrolling conditions are different. For nearly four hours of back and forth, the shoes of the civilian auxiliary police have long been soaked by dew and fog. After the end of the patrol, the police officer Gao Yanping took off his shoes, and his white feet were filled with traces of poisonous worms and grasshoppers. He said ridiculous: "This aqua just likes me so much, and every time he is" intimate "with me." The humorous and humorous words often make everyone laugh, and the tension and exhaustion of the day disappear.

For the Dulongjiang Minu auxiliary police, each patrol is an adventure. They guard the border security with a solid step. After thousands of dangers, they are still as good as the beginning, and they are still calm and optimistic in the face of various tests.

A pair of police shoes, walk into the hearts of the masses

Publicize legal policies, understand the situation of the jurisdiction, collect grass -roots information, and visit people with difficulties.

"Every day, I visit the countryside, and visit it every day" seems to have become an unwritten rule for the Dulong River border police station. Taking the opportunity to visit the masses, the auxiliary police will send the ID card to the masses.

When the masses needed a haircut, the auxiliary police officer took out the shaving tools and operated it with a good operation. Skilled movements and excellent techniques allowed them to get the other name of "Teacher Tony". When they encountered farmers, they came to the fields to help carry firewood, pick water, and experience the happiness of labor with the masses. As long as the masses need it, they will call as soon as possible.

Police Yu Runqiang often said: "You take the small things and difficult things of the masses as your own business. The more you do, the more you trust us, and they will treat us as their own family." It is a good working atmosphere of the police and people's family and their joy.

Spring goes to the autumn, and the summer and summer are coming. Whenever the night comes, the auxiliary policemen think of the border of guarding the border of the border and solving problems for the people in this day. They feel that they are hard and tired. Quiet, peaceful, full of confidence.

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