Hanying Street Sunshine Community holds family education to enter the community activities

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.07.10

The Yangtze River Daily Da Wuhan Client July 10 (Correspondent Li Jing) Parents of parents include health and learning. In life, many parents will find in the course of paying attention to their children that even if they are urged and staring, their children's learning ability and grades have not improved significantly. The reason is related to concentration.

On the afternoon of July 8th, the Women's Federation of the Sunshine Community Women's Federation of Hanxing Street, Jianghan District organized a "Wuhan Women's Federation Family Education Public Welfare Lecture Hall" activity. Professional family education experts were invited to discuss with community residents to learn more about half -effective things, cultivate children to focus on concentration The key to force.

Mr. Xiao, a psychological counselor who taught this time, focused on "the key to opening the child's mind, allowing children to learn easily", and brought a vivid and easy -to -understand learning and experience to the residents of the Sunshine Community. trip. After the class, residents have stated that the curriculum is very timely and practical, and I hope that the community will conduct more study courses that such residents need.

The Sunshine Community Women's Federation stated that it will continue to work with the residents of the district to jointly grasp the important timing and rhythm of educating people, respect children, care for children, and help children grow up.

【Edit: Liu Yan】

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