The examination of the Henan Province Examination was over, and nearly 200,000 people abandoned the exam

Author:Global Times Time:2022.07.10

The number of applicants is about 585,000, and the number of people take the exam is about 390,000

At 16:30 on July 9th, the written test of Henan civil servants in 2022 came to an end. Candidates' written test preparation for nearly five months also ended. For many candidates, the end of the written test is not to press the pause key, because the interview "battle" is about to start.

take an exam

About 330+ test sites in the province

About 390,000 candidates participated in the written test

According to statistics, this year's 18 cities have a total of 330+ test sites and 13026 test rooms. Among them, Zhengzhou City has the most test sites. Zhengzhou has set up a total of 75 test sites including Henan University of Technology, Henan Agricultural University, and North China Water Resources and Power University. The province's total reference candidates are expected to be 390,780, according to the number of recruits 7,993. For 49: 1, the public examination can be described as "thousands of troops and thousands of horses crossing the wooden bridge". The competition is very fierce. However, due to extension and other reasons, the number of people participating in the exam is large compared to the number of applicants, so candidates do not need to be too anxious. So what is the test of this year's test? Let's take a look together!


Delay for 3 months

The difficulty of testing is increased?

There is a kind of mood called "the end of the provincial test". After the written test, candidates have stepped out of the examination room. Run away, it is a bit of a circle since the words, the picture push is too difficult. "" The data analysis is relatively simple. This year's abandonment of information will definitely lose. " After watching big data, my post competition ratio is about 298: 1, and I feel hopeless this year. "... Like the college entrance examination, candidates who step out of the examination room have discussed the test questions" unable to recruit ".

Zhang Jinguo, an expert in Henan Huatu Public Examination Research, reminds candidates: Candidates must not only consider the prospects and benefits of the post when registering, but also the geographical location, the number of recruits, and the competition ratio of previous years are important factor that can be successfully passed.

The reporter noticed that some candidates said, "Is there a small number of people who have taken the exam this year? There are almost half of our seats in our test room." The reporter randomly asked several candidates. many. This shows that the phenomenon of abandonment this year is still common. This may be extended by the provincial examination. Some candidates' mentality and the changes in the state of preparations may also be that the extension time has just hit the graduation season to find a job.


Fresh candidates opportunities more

It's necessary to cherish your identity

It is understood that the number of recruits this year in Henan Province is 7,993, which has not increased significantly from previous years. The number of applicants is about 585,000, but the number of applicants has increased by nearly 100,000 compared with last year. The average competition is 47: 1 in the previous year. 63: 1, this year has been as high as 73: 1. The most intense position of competition -the Political and Legal Committee of the Zhengzhou Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China has reached 1804: 1. This year's civil servants' application trend is still: volume! This provincial test not only participated in World War II and the Third World War, but also had selected candidates and a large number of fresh graduates who had just participated in the written test.

In recent years, because the number of fresh graduates has increased year by year, in order to help college employment, a series of "favorable" policies have been released. Policy post recruitment is more inclined to fresh graduates. In addition, the employment environment is poor under the impact of the epidemic. Become the first choice for college students.

This year, more than 90%of the civil servants recruited by Henan Province did not require grassroots work experience, and 7859 were recruited, accounting for 98.32%. These positions also provided more opportunities for fresh graduates. Zhang Jinguo said: This year, college graduates exceeded 10.76 million, and the "test fever" will continue, the competition is still fierce, and there are many opportunities for the test of the fresh graduate identity test. We must cherish it.

Test paper

Difficulty in the test map is more difficult

There are more materials for giving appliances

Henan Huatu Teaching and Research Team said that the overall difficulty of graphic reasoning in Henan Province this year is difficult, and the design of the question type has been innovative. There is a topic of plane spelling in this provincial test. In the past, it was a three -dimensional combination; the number of quantities was innovated. In the past, the number of lines of blank graphics was more inspected. (The difference between the number of shadow graphics lines and the number of blank graphics lines), the remaining questions are common test sites. For example, a stroke, static location relationship, attribute class (axis symmetrical), definition of superposition, six sides, and facial attributes. I believe that the above -mentioned conventional questions can be eased.

From the perspective of the overall test papers, there are five materials, and there are many factors in the given materials. Basically one material and one case, there is no theoretical material. Materials are becoming more and more case -based, and they are relatively "grounded" to read, but put forward higher requirements for candidates' inductive summary ability.

The overall context of the material shows a parallel relationship, abandoning the traditional routine of the previous "total score". Such materials arrangement makes it more difficult for candidates to grasp the theme of the material. If the theme cannot be grasped, then it will affect the subsequent process of doing the question, such as the sense of direction when some topics that need to be abstracted and summarized.


Policy posts facing grassroots tilt

The threshold is reduced

"This year's Henan civil servants' recruitment is biased towards the grassroots level, and the number of town organs recruits 2158, which is nearly twice the expansion of last year." Zhang Jinguo said that through big data comparison, this year's township enrollment is the most obvious, accounting for 27.06%of the total number of recruiters, and right and right Townships in poverty alleviation counties have adopted measures to reduce their education requirements, do not restrict professional conditions, adjust the age of application, and reduce the entry threshold for local household registration. The quality of the team makes the civil servant echelon more perfect. interview

Time and difficulty

Test as soon as possible

The interview of civil servants is an integrated assessment of IQ, EQ, and logical thinking. During the interview process, self -confidence must be expressed, but it cannot be greater. It must be remembered in a short time and answered the questions smoothly. Therefore, it is difficult to prepare for the exam. This year's Henan Provincial Examination Test will be inquired after August 12. The initial initial interview will be held at the end of August. If you want to wait for the listing list and prepare the noodles, it will not only have enough time, but the effect will be greatly reduced. Essence It is best to check the answer as soon as possible, estimate the results, and prepare for the interview as soon as possible.

According to the analysis of Henan Huatu Public Examination Institute, the Henan Province Examination Interview mainly adopts the form of "structured interviews", with 4 questions, a total of 100 points. And the examiner scoring is a comprehensive score, combined with several types of interview inspection capabilities and language expression, etiquette external measurement, combined with the test questions, government cognitive, work relationship processing, emergency processing, The planning category of planning events is "frequent customers", so you need to focus on social life when answering questions, focus on the actual situation of the grassroots, and conduct comprehensive training based on the actual work of the post.

Source: Dahe Daily · Yu Video

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