1 new high -risk zone and 1 mid -risk zone in Henan

Author:Top news Time:2022.07.10

Pneumonia Prevention and Control Headquarters of Pneumonia Infection in Biyang County

Notice on adjusting the premium prevention and control of our county's epidemic situation

(No. 28, 2022)

根据《新型冠状病毒肺炎防控方案(第九版)》,结合当前我县疫情防控工作需要,经过专家综合分析研判,县疫情防控指挥部研究决定:自2022年7月10日起, The two district cities of Garden Street are adjusted to high -risk areas and mid -risk areas, and other cities remain unchanged. The specific situation notice is as follows:

I. 1 high -risk area, specific scope: south of the county cultural road and garden lane south, from the cross from the intersection to the south to the south to the west of the lane in the west of the lane. The east of the north -south passage of a resident's entrance to the west and the east of a north -south passage, the east side of the garden on the east side of the garden lane facing the west and west of the Hewei area. The area adopts the management measures of "district urban sealing, not leaving home, and on -site services".

2. 1 medium -risk zone, specific scope: the south of the cultural road in the garden resident group of Caozhuangju, the county area of ​​the county area, the east of the grain reserves of the county and the west of the unity road in the north of the county in the garden road in the garden resident group under the jurisdiction. The city city adopts the management measures that "people do not get out of the community (village), and it is strictly forbidden to gather.

Biyang County Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters

July 10, 2022

up to date! Summary



Source: Yun Shang Bo Yang Yang

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