In 2022, our province's university graduates of university universities have begun!

Author:Hubei Provincial Department of Time:2022.07.10

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In order to further promote the employment promotion of graduates of university university graduates from school, resolutely implement the requirements of the Party Central Committee, the State Council's decision -making deployment, and the work requirements of the provincial party committee and provincial government, and put the employment of college graduates in the important position of employment and employment. Support for services, strengthen policy implementation, rights and interests, and difficulties in assistance, and provide targeted services for unable employment graduates and unemployed young people with their willingness to employment to ensure that work continuously and continuous service. Stable, the Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security decided to go to the 2022 graduates of unobstructed university from the 2022s, and registered unemployed youths under the age of 35 to concentrate on the service of graduates of unobtrusive universities in the province.

The theme of this action is

"Service attack urging employment to build dreams to build a youth to win the future",

There are eight specific measures ——

The human and social departments of the province make full use of various channels to issue an open letter or service announcement to university graduates to centrally promote the ways of help, recruitment channels, institutional directory, and policy service lists. Focusing on the help of unscrupulous graduates' job registration, small procedures for employment registration, unemployment registration national unified service platform, etc., highlights recruitment channels such as public recruitment websites, integrity human resources service agencies, etc. List, set up policy services such as employment and entrepreneurship, talent introduction, and archives receiving.

People and social departments in various places take communities (villages) as a unit to mobilize grass -roots forces such as labor security associates. Through on -site, telephone, WeChat, SMS and other methods, they will conduct concentrated visits to the unable to employment graduates in the jurisdiction. Ascend. The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security has fully opened up the employment registration applet of the 2022 unlimited graduates. All localities should increase publicity and promotion, simultaneously open online and offline for help channels, allow unscrupulous graduates Register for job hunting.

Establish a real -name ledger for employment graduates, and comprehensively incorporate local household registration and graduates who come to job hunting from other places. Contact the registration of unable to employment one by one, find out the basic information, employment needs, and employment status, and to dynamically update the employment situation in accordance with types of employment, unemployment, and no willingness to employment. For employment willingness, provide at least one career guidance, 3 job promotion, 1 skill training or employment opportunity; for entrepreneurial intention, provide entrepreneurial training, entrepreneurial services and policy support; Do a good status record and follow the service in time. Relying on the Hubei Smart Employment Service Platform, the people and social departments of various places will record the service process truthfully.

In accordance with the requirements of the "10+N" public employment service activities of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, 100 million online recruitment, joint recruitment of large and medium -sized cities, and Jinqiu Recruitment Monthly continued. Normalization of online recruitment, focusing on the recruitment area of ​​college graduates of Hubei Public Recruitment Network and the local public employment talent service website to publish job information, widely used new models such as live broadcasts, air preaching, no contact interviews, and uninterrupted employment opportunities Essence Under the premise of implementing the normalization requirements of the epidemic prevention and control, the number of special recruitment activities in the encryption recruitment activities will hold at least once a week, and hold at least 1 comprehensive recruitment activity per month.

Focusing on poverty alleviation families, subsistence allowance families, zero employment families, and unable employment graduates with special difficulties such as disability, disability, and long -term unlimited employment. , Formulate a "one person, one policy" assistance plan. Priority recommendation positions, priority implementation policies, priority to organize training trainees, timely provide professional professional guidance services, promote employment and entrepreneurship as soon as possible, and provide public welfare positions for employment through marketization.

Effectively do a good job of supporting the implementation of young employment and entrepreneurial work documents such as college graduates such as college graduates, and fully release policies and effects to promote employment and entrepreneurship of graduates. Category and launch policy gift packages such as grass -roots employment, enterprise absorption, independent entrepreneurship, flexible employment, training trainees, etc., and promotes the concentration of tax discounts, entrepreneurial guarantee loans, and fund subsidies. Accelerate the online handling of graduate employment policies, use data comparison to actively screen the policy objects, explore the implementation of direct and fast -making offices, and effectively enhance the masses' sense of gain and satisfaction.

Strengthen the cleanup and rectification of the order of the human resources market, and resolutely investigate and punish illegal acts of "black vocational agencies", fake recruitment, resumes and certificates, and other violations of the rights and interests of the personal property of the job seekers. Strengthen the publicity of labor employment policies and regulations, standardize corporate recruitment behaviors, and timely interviews and correct them in time for various types of employers, especially state -owned enterprises, and institutions, especially state -owned enterprises and institutions.

Relying on traditional and emerging media from people and social departments, people and social departments have vigorously promoted and promoted the employment and entrepreneurship policies and measures of college graduates, so that the party and the government's care of graduates were deeply rooted in people's hearts. Digging a group of major strategies for serving major services, participating in the first line of production, active entrepreneurship and innovation, and taking root in the grassroots college graduates of urban and rural grassroots, launched a series of news and propaganda to show the spirit of the employment and entrepreneurship of college graduates in the new era. Through typical demonstrations and guys, they guide graduates to establish a correct view of employment, career, and talent, and choose occupations and jobs from actual actual departure, multi -channel employment and entrepreneurship, establishment of work.

Information source: Provincial Labor Employment Service Center

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