Linjiang youth, go to a soldier!Linjiang Street held the deployment meeting of the 2022 summer and autumn recruitment mobilization

Author:Qiantang New District News Time:2022.07.10

In order to create a strong atmosphere of recruitment and ensure the successful and efficient collection indicators of various soldiers collected throughout the year. Recently, Linjiang Street held a mobilization deployment meeting for summer and autumn of 2022 to summarize the recruitment work in the first half of the year, and mobilized the recruitment work in the second half of the year. deploy. Wen Zuokai, deputy minister of the Ministry of Armed forces, chaired the meeting. The secretary of the villages (communities) of the street, the commander of the militia company, the president of the health, and the police of the political trial attended the meeting.

The meeting pointed out that the recruitment work is the source project, hope project, and hematopoietic project of national defense and army construction. The whole street should be led by the party management of party management in the new era, further strengthening the awareness of mission, responsibility, and awareness of responsibility. The work of the 2022 summer and autumn recruitment is carried out.

The meeting emphasized that the villages (communities) and relevant departments should work together and cooperate closely, and effectively form the overall joint effort of grasping the recruitment work. Tightly follow the time node, carefully plan and promote accurately, use electronic display screens, publicity board newspapers and other publicity positions, radio, public accounts and other platforms, in -depth publicity related policies, and extensively create a strong atmosphere. It is necessary to resolutely compact responsibilities, firmly establish the "one game of chess", ensure that high standards and high quality complete the task of recruitment, and make new and greater contributions to the promotion of the modernization of national defense and military.

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