Strengthening disinfection product inspection and guarantee hygiene and safety

Author:Langfang Daily Full Media Time:2022.06.14

Reporter Cao Mingming text/picture

In order to do a good job of preventing and controlling the epidemic, the product sanitation quality of the disinfection product operation links, and ensuring the people's purchases and safe and rest assured disinfection products. In the past few days, the Municipal Health and Health Comprehensive Law Enforcement Detachment has organized the development of large shopping malls, supermarkets, and drug wholesale.The supervision and law enforcement of the sales units such as retail, and issued the "Sanitary Supervision Opinions" for the problems found in the inspection, requiring all the disinfection products to be removed from the shelves.Subsequently, while increasing the supervision and inspection of the disinfection product operation market, disinfection products that the counties (cities, districts) governments will be concentrated, especially for disinfection agent for disinfection, air and surface disinfection of the objects of the county.(Correspondent Liu Zixing reporter Cao Mingming editor Zhang Hongxu)

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