Shanghai started to "grab" people

Author:Look at the think tank Time:2022.07.11

In addition to grasping production and promoting consumption, Shanghai after the epidemic is unsealed.

A few days ago, Shanghai issued the latest settlement policy to clearly settle in the "double first -class" universities/disciplines of colleges and universities in Shanghai and other regions.

This is the threshold for settlement in Shanghai after the promulgation policy of returning to the country in early June.

Since 2020, Shanghai has relaxed many times. This time, the restrictions on settlement in Shanghai, less than a month before the last introduction of relaxation. Such a high frequency also makes Shanghai flow with high gold content exposure to talents.

At the same time, Hangzhou, another important city of the Yangtze River Delta, has recently relaxed the settlement policy. Those who have undergraduate degree or above in ordinary colleges and universities in full -time, can be settled in Hangzhou City with employment and normal payment of social security.

The Yangtze River Delta has always been a highland that attracts talents. In the "Chinese Urban Talent Ranking: 2022", Shanghai ranks second in the attractive city of talents and ranked fifth in Hangzhou.

This time, Shanghai and Hangzhou's successive thresholds have also been described as "group grabbing people" by public opinion, which has attracted great attention from the outside world.

Wen | Sun Xiaobo

This article is reproduced from the WeChat public account "China News Weekly" (ID: chinanewsweekly). The original first published on July 10, 2022. The original title was "Shanghai Starting" Get ", which does not represent the viewing think tank view.


"Robbing people" will become the norm

At the end of June, the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission and other four departments jointly issued the "Notice on Doing a good job in the employment of ordinary college graduates of non -Shanghai students in 2022".

The attachment "2022 Non -Shanghai Student Students' Employment Graduates Employment Application Application Application Application for the Municipal Family Registered Rating Measures" (hereinafter referred to as the "Measures") clearly states that it is clear that the 2022 masters of all universities in Shanghai can settle in Shanghai directly.

The content of the "Measures" also shows that the 2022 -level master's fresh graduates of the world -class universities in the country can settle in Shanghai directly; the 2022 master's fresh graduates of the world's first -class discipline construction universities can be settled in Shanghai directly.

In addition, the conditions for settlement of fresh general college graduates have also been relaxed. The 2022 -level undergraduate graduates of the 4 world -class universities in Shanghai are settled directly in Shanghai; fresh graduates in the construction of world -class disciplines in Shanghai, and employment in five new cities and north -south regions can be settled in Shanghai.

Data show that a total of 227,000 graduates of Shanghai college this year, an increase of 20,000 compared with last year, and the largest increase in 5 years. Among them, the full -time graduate students who graduated from Shanghai this year may approach 50,000. Some public opinion pointed out that the relaxation of the settlement policy will undoubtedly leave a large number of graduates in Shanghai to develop.

Compared with Shanghai's new policy, Hangzhou's policy is more loose.

On June 27, Hangzhou announced the latest "Full -time Undergraduate and Master's Location Policy", which clarified the undergraduate and master's degree in general colleges and universities, and the eligible non -full -time graduate students admitted after 2017. "Settled first and then employment."

In addition, Suzhou, another star city in the Yangtze River Delta region, has also frequently reduced the threshold for settlement of talents to make up for shortcomings with lack of higher education resources.

According to the news on June 15th in Suzhou, the Suzhou Talent Service Center has further expanded the scope of "talent settled in a direct car" this year. The cooperative institutions have expanded from last year's undergraduate colleges to national universities. In continuous increase.

"Talent settled in a direct vehicle" is an event jointly organized by Suzhou and cooperative institutions inside and outside the city. With "simple materials, simple processes, super fast speeds", it provides settlement services for 2022 full -time graduates.

Shanghai, Suzhou, and Hangzhou are just the top three cities in the Yangtze River Delta GDP, and it has always been a highland that attracts talents.

Take Hangzhou as an example. Last year, Hangzhou introduced 483,000 college students under the age of 35, and was selected as the most attractive Chinese cities in the eyes of foreign talents for 11 consecutive years; Shanghai also ranked in "Chinese City Talent Ranking: 2022". Talent attractive cities are second, and the migrant population remains above 10 million.

In 2021, the total number of residents of the Yangtze River Delta increased by nearly 1.1 million, showing a strong attractiveness. Therefore, this "group grabbing people" also attracted a lot of attention.

Outside of Shanghai, Hangzhou and the Soviet Union, Hefei also recently issued several policies for talent development, becoming another Yangtze River Delta city in the "grabbing".

Winning young people can win the future of the city. From the perspective of industry experts, with the turn of economic growth to innovation -driven and industrial transformation and upgrading, competition for talents will become inevitable, and the competition for high -quality talents will become a normal state of competition in cities and regions in the future.

"Throughout the development of the city, youth -friendly cities are basically cities that can develop rapidly." Said Magnolia, a researcher at the Yangtze River Industrial Economic Research Institute of Nanjing University, said that big cities like Shanghai have reached a certain height and entered talent promotion. In the stage of development, it is necessary to continue to create conditions to attract more talents.


"Thanks to the foreign population"

The settlement policy of Shanghai has always been relatively strict. Earlier, in many cities across the country set off a "grabbing war", Shanghai has also maintained a "watch" attitude. The changes in the population structure are considered a key factor in the adjustment of Shanghai's settlement policy.

Peng Xizhe, executive deputy dean of the Fudan University Development Research Institute, told China News Weekly that China's population growth has moved to zero growth and even negative growth. The trend of large -scale population growth is gradually ending. Facing such a challenge.

He said that the elderly population in Shanghai is now about 5.8 million, an increase of about 200,000 each year, but at the same time, the birth population of Shanghai will have a population of 100,000 each year. "If there is no new population coming in, the aging population in Shanghai will be very fast."

According to data from the Shanghai Statistics Bureau, as of the end of 2021, the permanent population in Shanghai was 24.8943 million. Among them, the resident resident population is 14.5744 million, and the migrant resident population is 10.3199 million. The permanent population was born 116,000 throughout the year and 139,000 deaths. The natural growth rate of the permanent population was -0.92 ‰. Just in 2021, Shanghai only increased 10,700 people.

Peng Xizhe estimates that nearly 8 million people in Shanghai are related to the elderly and the elderly are related to the elderly. In addition to children of about 2 million, the non -labor population has nearly 10 million. He said that in Shanghai to complete the construction of the "five centers" (international economy, finance, trade, shipping and science and technology innovation centers), it must be dynamic, great pressure and challenges. Population regulation (policy).

Wang Guangzhou, a researcher at the Institute of Labor and Economics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told China News Weekly that the population of Shanghai has a negative growth early because the fertility rate is very low and the population aging is relatively high. Essence

The situation in Shanghai also appears in other cities in the Yangtze River Delta. As one of the most aging regions in the country, the entire Yangtze River Delta is facing the pressure of negative population growth.

In recent years, the birth rate of the permanent population in Jiangsu and Zhejiang and Shanghai has been lower than the national average. In addition, the degree of aging has continued to increase, and the natural growth rate has continued to pressure.

In 2021, the birth rate of the permanent population in Jiangsu was 5.65 ‰, the population mortality rate was 6.77 ‰, and the natural growth rate was -1.12 ‰. This is the first time that Jiangsu's annual population growth rate has changed since the founding of New China.

According to the Zhejiang Statistical Bulletin, the birth rate of Zhejiang in 2021 was 6.90 ‰, the mortality rate was 5.90 ‰, and the natural growth rate was 1.00 ‰. According to this calculation, in 2021, Zhejiang's natural growth population was about 65,000. Although it remained positive, the natural growth rate of 1.00 ‰ also reached a new low since 1978.

Anhui, who has no loss of negative growth for the time being, also felt the pressure from the decline in birth rate. Yan Yuejin, research director of the Think Tank Center of the E -House Research Institute, said that in the case of a decline in the birth rate of population, whether it can absorb more foreign population and high -quality talents, it has become an important factor in urban competitiveness.

The impact brought by the epidemic is also considered an important reason for the new policy of Shanghai.

Ding Changfa, an associate professor at the School of Economics of Xiamen University, told China News Weekly that the epidemic had a great impact on Shanghai, and in April and May, Shanghai's fiscal revenue declined. Through the appropriate release of the settlement policy, Shanghai hopes to introduce talents on the one hand, and on the other hand, there are also considerations to restore the urban economy.

The outbreak of the outbreak in March 2022 has a huge impact on the economic and social development of Shanghai. The city's various economic indicators released by the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Statistics on June 17 showed that in the first five months of this year, major economic indicators such as exports, investment, and consumption in Shanghai all developed negative growth, which was lower than the national average.

In this context, Shanghai issued the "Shanghai Municipality to Accelerate Economic Recovery and Revitalizing Action Plan" on May 29, which proposed that "the urgent work is to fully implement the central deployment, protect enterprises, guarantee employment, and strive to stabilize the basic economic market."

Tong Jiafeng told China News Weekly that although the epidemic in Shanghai has been controlled, there are also some problems behind it, such as some people choose to leave Shanghai on this node. He believes that Shanghai now relaxes the new policy, which actually gives more people "reassurance".

Similarly, in Hangzhou, Suzhou and other places in the Yangtze River Delta, it is also troubled by the epidemic. It has introduced a new policy that attracts talents. Naturally, there are also considerations to restore the city economy.


To attract people, more retain people

It is worth noting that the flow of talents of colleges and universities in the country shows that in terms of the most popular foreign talents, the Yangtze River Delta has lagged behind the Pearl River Delta.

Taking Shanghai as an example, although Shanghai has introduced many improvement measures for foreign talents in recent years, it still cannot change the status quo when foreign graduates settled in difficulties.

In contrast, although higher education resources are not as good as the Yangtze River Delta, it has always been a highland that attracts foreign talents. For example, Shenzhen does not have a local 985 university, but Shenzhen is the top three employment destinations in the top three colleges and universities.

Although Shanghai has repeatedly relaxed the settlement policy in the past two years, the threshold for settlement is still relatively high, especially in the face of the "second batch" in Shenzhen undergraduate settlement.

In order to compete for talents, Shanghai had previously turned on green lights for Tsinghua University of Peking University. After graduating from undergraduate, he could settle in Shanghai directly, but the results were not satisfactory. From the perspective of many interviewed experts, Shanghai's latest settlement policy threshold is not low. Ding Changfa told China News Weekly that second -tier cities have liberalized on a large scale, and some even zero thresholds. He said, "If aging continues to increase in the future, Shanghai will definitely continue to reduce the threshold for settlement."

For a city, it is important to attract talents to settle in, but it is more important to really retain talents. Peng Xizhe told China News Weekly that the talent policy has been introduced in various places, but whether these talents can survive and develop locally, they can not be solved by the talent policy itself.

He said that Shanghai is a talented place, which may be easy to grab people, but it is not easy to keep people. For young people, the environment of survival and development is more valued, and the living conditions. "A hukou alone cannot solve these problems."

Peng Xizhe said, "The introduction of talents and the use of talents, and whether the talent can be retained after the introduction of talents, whether it can be used well, is a comprehensive public policy. The key to retaining talents is to provide higher levels of public services , Create a hard environment and soft environment. "

From the perspective of Zhujiafeng, whether a city can retain talents, in addition to hardware conditions, an open and inclusive environment is also very important. "It is necessary to welcome young people with a more open, inclusive and friendly attitude."

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