The preliminary judgment of the 4 cases of confirmed cases in Zhongshan report was the same spread chain

Author:Golden sheep net Time:2022.07.11

The Yangcheng Evening News reporter Lin Yan and correspondent Zhong Xuan reported: On the evening of July 10, Zhongshan held a press conference on the prevention and control of the epidemic. The reporter learned from the conference that from 0:00 on July 9 to 12 on 10:00, 4 cases of new coronary pneumonia were reported in the Triangle Town of Zhongshan City.

Liang Weihua, director of Zhongshan City Health and Health Bureau, introduced that on July 9, Zhongshan City had screened a new case of new coronary pneumonia in patients with a popular kidney clinic in the hospital. After the epidemic occurred, the Zhongshan Epidemic Prevention and Control Command quickly organized emergency response. From 0:00 on July 10 to 12, the Triangle Town of Zhongshan City found three new cases of new coronary pneumonia in regional screening. The above four cases have lived with their families. Recently, there is no history of living in high -risk areas. It is initially judged on the same communication chain. Case 1 is genetic sequencing and belongs to the Omeck Rong mutant strain (BA.2.2 evolution branch), which is the highest as the sequence of reporting cases in Hong Kong, China.

After judging, the cases of this round of this round of Zhongshan involved many places, and they were dense, and the possibility of renewal cases was extremely likely. At present, Zhongshan City has strictly divided the "three districts". The high -risk zone is No. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 13 of Gaoping Avenue, and No. 59 and 60 of Cai Fangbei Street to No. 6. The management measures for "not leaving the house and on -site service" are strictly implemented. The mid -risk area is Gaoping Village. "Management measures.

On July 9, the Triangle Town of Zhongshan City and the nearby Huangpu Town, Fusha Town, and the streets of the people conducted an orderly regional nucleic acid testing. There were 133,314 people in the Triangle Town and found 3 cases of positive; the other town street screening results were all negative. On July 10, the above town street continued to carry out regional nucleic acid testing, and the results have been negative. Next, Zhongshan City will organize a round of nucleic acid screening in the city.

At present, Triangle Town strictly controls clustering activities to suspend conferences, forums, training, performances, exhibition promotions and other agglomeration activities; strengthen the prevention and control of key places, Internet cafes, cinemas, fitness places, bars, foot bath shops, chess and card rooms, etc. The venue and school, kindergarten, education institutions, offline training institutions, etc. have suspended business, and the catering farm is canceled. Town and cross -town bus suspension services.

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