Huangshi Daye Ling Township: "Hope Home" relieves the summer "seeing the baby difficult"

Author:Huangshi Radio and Television Time:2022.07.11

"Classmates, who knows where is the former site of the New Fourth Army, Hunan, Anhui, Anhui, Hunan and Jiangxi?"

"Teacher, I know the bridge in our Lingxiang."

On the morning of July 7th, in the "Women and Children's House" in the street community of Dalo Lingling Township, Huangshi City, a vivid party history study and education class was undergoing. Children, under the leadership of college student volunteers, read red history , Learn patriotic knowledge.

"Hope Home" has opened a class

At the same time, in the reading room, art room, and dance room of the Community Party and Mass Service Center, volunteers taught lectures according to the children's interests and hobbies, and the children learned very seriously.

"Now I am also relieved to go out to work. Every summer, I am most worried about the safety issues such as wild swimming in the summer, so as soon as the community promotes it, I will name the child." Seeing that the child was happy and happy, the parent Fu Zefeng of the student Fu Zefeng went to the town. The "Hope Homeland" opened for praise.

The town's "Hope Home" Communist recruited eight college students volunteers, which can achieve lectures throughout the day from Monday to Friday, and focus on red education, fun culture, creative art, fire prevention drowning safety and other content. Leaving children and children with dilemma provide free hosted services to allow children to have a fulfilling summer.

Volunteers are teaching

It is understood that "Hope Homeland" currently covers 15 villages and communities in the town, recruiting a total of 660 students, solving the problem of "seeing baby difficulties" for hundreds of households. It will be opened in the remaining villages and communities to achieve full coverage of the town. At the same time, through teaching, children fully recognize the harmfulness of drowning and improve the awareness of drowning safety, and create a safe summer environment for young and children in the town.

"It's cool here, and there are volunteer aunts accompanied us to read and write homework. Yesterday, the teacher told the knowledge of anti -drowning safety. I can learn a lot of knowledge here." Ke Min, a student of primary school in Lingxiang Township, said happily.

"I was fortunate to participate in the summer custody class to go to the community joint school to provide spiritual and academic help for left -behind children. It was a wish when I was a child." Wu Xiang, a university volunteer born in rural areas, was deeply touched.

"Open the 'Hope Home' to help parents of students solve the summer 'seeing baby difficulties' is a new model of innovative villages and community party building in the new period of our town. Measures. "Li Jie, Secretary of the Party Committee of Lingxiang Township.

Correspondent Zhang Youjiang

Responsible editor Mei Xiaoping

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