Fuquan: "Five -in -one" grasping the non -public "party building alliance" empowers new industrialization and high -quality development

Author:Yunqiannan Time:2022.07.11

In recent years, Fuquan City has focused on problems such as difficulties in the construction of non -public party building organizations, standardized management, and difficulty in playing. The public "party building alliance" has promoted non -public enterprise party organizations from freedom to strong, from single soldiers to combined to tackle, from a leapfrog development from a single show to all flowers. Essence

Focus on "organizational changes" and create an integrated "party building alliance". In accordance with the ideas of "leaders of the Municipal Party Committee, Government, the main department of the department, and the subject of the enterprise", we will make every effort to promote the new type of industrialization "party building alliance", and build a reform -oriented organization as a breakthrough. Township (street) is a unit to carry out comprehensive, systematic and overall reconstruction of villages (communities) and non -public enterprise party organization operation concepts, systems and mechanisms in the organizational area. In principle, the joint party committee -party building alliance. Clarify the party secretary of the competent business department or the party secretary of the party (street) party (street) party (street), and is the leader of the belonging to the local township (street) party (work) party. Breaking the deadlock of villages and villages, villages, enterprises, enterprises and enterprises, and divided into segmentation, build an organizational alliance and develop alliances for joint development, transform external contradictions into internal problems, and strengthen the party's comprehensive leadership of economic work on economic work. Essence

Qiannan High -tech Zone, Xingquan Group, etc. to carry out joint theme party day activities with Fuquan Environmental Protection City

Focus on "internal and external circulation" and build an integrated management system. Adhering to the goal of promoting the internal cycle of inter -enterprise exchanges and the big cycle of government -enterprise interaction, the Party Construction Alliance initiated the regional advantages and resource advantages of party organizations to coordinate member units, and build a comprehensive service window that integrates mass services, corporate services, and contradictions to integrate the grassroots level The party building, political and legal governance, village and town construction, economic development, comprehensive law enforcement and other work grids and team strengths, and empower the alliance party committee to explore the cadres' evaluation mechanism to achieve the unity of management and management. The alliance holds at least once a month to promote the work of grassroots party building, project construction, dispute mediation, and industrial development. Focus on the "portrait" of member units, find out the situation of corporate talent structure, proportion of party members, characteristic advantages, shortcomings, etc., and give priority to providing party affairs and government consultation and policy interpretation for members of the Party Construction Alliance. Clarify the monthly theme of life and "rotating" organizers, and regularly carry out activities such as entrepreneurial salon and "theme Party Day" to enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the alliance.

Focus on "service quality and efficiency" and build an integrated working system. In accordance with the principles of information interoperability and service sharing in the alliance, based on the direction and actual needs of the enterprise, the main leaders of the municipal party committee are led by the package guarantee. 37 county -level cadres have covered the preservation coverage of enterprises in the alliance. According to the "1+1+N" group (each group consists of one team leader, one deputy team leader, and multiple "special associations"), it is selected from the city's government agencies, enterprises, institutions, and townships (streets). Famous party members and cadres to 135 member companies (major projects, social organizations) are the "special officers", clarifying party building work instructor, policy and regulations propaganda, government -enterprise communication liaison, investment promotion information officer, conflict and dispute medium, safe and environmental protection The supervisor's "six major members" functions and responsibilities, while helping the alliance enterprises do a good job in party building work, are responsible for planning projects to grasp packaging, signing projects, new projects to coordinate, work in construction projects, completion projects to achieve production, realize realization Guidance on the full process and all -round service guidance of non -public enterprises.

Research on the construction of Shengtun Project

Focus on "green environmental protection" and adhere to the direction of integrated development. Establish the concept of "two mountains", insist on taking the green ecology as the most beautiful background color of the new industrialization and high -quality development, and use green environmental protection as the first behavior of the league. Regularly organize alliance meetings to consolidate development consensus, give full play to the role of enterprise, and strengthen the leading role of leading enterprises in accordance with the principles of industry -related, complementary, mutually beneficial and win -win, and strengthen the leading enterprise, strengthen business promotion, precise investment promotion, and support the development chain of the entire industry.

Focus on "talent support" and build a integrated commonlypho. Adhere to the first resource of party member talent team as the party building leading new industrialization and high -quality development, and comprehensively promote eligible enterprise leaders and the person in charge of the party organization "one shoulder" and do not meet the conditions. The person in charge of the party organization ensures that the enterprise is not only arrested by the party building and development. Formulate and introduce the "Implementation Plan for the Cultivation of Skills Talents of the 100 billion -level Chemical Industry Park in Fuquan City", optimize and improve the industrial worker training system, normalize activities such as job skills training, labor competition and skills competition, and promote migrant workers to industrial workers and ordinary workers The technical workers and technical workers have changed to the backbone of the business, and the team of industrial workers continuously grow. Establish a "double training" system for high -quality skills and high -quality party members (trained skills into party members, train high -quality party members into high -quality skill talents), increase the development of party members in industrial workers, and develop technical experts and excellent Workers absorb the party organizations and increase the proportion of workers in the party members. Strengthen the daily ideological education of industrial workers, and normalize the various types of mutual learning to catch up under the leadership of party building, so that industrial workers have changed their ideological changes in the process of comparing skills, performance, and style, actively move closer to the party organization, enhance the industry Workers' advanced nature.

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