Or face millions of claims!The video of "Tan Tan Traffic" has been removed, and the company involved in the recent recent prosecution

Author:Mengye News Time:2022.07.11

In Chengdu, a traffic policeman traveled to every road in the urban area for thirteen years to deal with tens of thousands of traffic violations.

Since 2005, a camera has recorded his law enforcement process and has been made into a show. If you swipe the B station, "Tan Tan Traffic", which is born of "Walking into Hua Avenue to Erxian Bridge", will definitely not be unfamiliar.

Under the lens of "Tan Tan Traffic", one after another to the camera one after another, let us see the joy and sorrow of ordinary people on the Chinese road. "Tan Tan Traffic" made Tan Qiao a very highly influential traffic police on the Internet, and this fun and wise policeman made traffic regulations vivid and interesting in the program.

And this is such a traffic warning program that is entertaining. The host Tan Qiao released on July 10 that the video of the column was offline and may face tens of millions of compensation.

It is reported that the relevant company should ask his video to remove the video for the reason for intellectual property rights, but the specific reason is unclear. Tan Qiao said that he is still unclear how his videos have a relationship with this company.

In addition, Tan Qiao said in the latest video released on July 10 that not only the account of "Tan Tan Traffic" was gradually emptied, but also the explosive videos edited by tens of thousands of secondary creators were also complained to get off. At present, the video released by Tan Qiao at station B has reduced from 345 to 80.

Tan Qiao said that with the popularity of "Tan Tan Traffic", some people fancy the commercial value of its public welfare law, and a company named Chengdu Tourism Culture Communication claimed tens of millions of yuan to it.

According to industrial and commercial information, Chengdu Tourism Culture Communication Co., Ltd. is a company invested or controlled by natural persons, and the company's investigation information shows that the company's main personnel are only 2. It is unclear how the company has accused the relevant video infringement.

Because "Tan Tan Traffic" has never signed any contract agreement at the beginning of his creation. As the only original author, Tan Qiao needs (to the court) to prove that he is Police Officer Tan and the author of "Tan Tan Traffic". Tan Qiao said that the problems faced by Tan Tan Traffic may be the first representative and milestone case after the implementation of my country's new copyright law.

For this incident, many netizens questioned that the company was touched porcelain, and some netizens shouted that Mr. Luo Xiang, who was also a "B station famous stalk manufacturing machine", came out of the mountain.

As a public welfare law program with news communication attributes, "Tan Tan Traffic" was originally filmed by Tan Qiao's personal original, which was broadcast in 2005. The Chengdu Tourism Culture Communication Co., Ltd., which initiated the lawsuit, was established in 2018.

It is worth noting that the company's investigation information shows that the company has recently prosecuted a number of video companies, including fast hands, Youku, Migu, etc. The case is: "Disputes of the right to infringe on the information network of the work."

(Article comprehensive: Surging News, Shandong Business Daily, Cover News, Voice of the Yangtze River Delta, Enterprise Inspection, etc.)

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