The list of four companies in Qinhan New City is listed on the list of "specialized new" enterprises

Author:Sunshine News • Time:2022.07.11

Sunshine News (Reporter Deng Longhui Xu Long) Recently, the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology announced the "List of Special Specialty New Small and Small Enterprises in Shaanxi Province in 2022", and the company in the Qinhan New City District of Xixian New District Xi'an Oka Cloud Data Technology Co., Ltd., Shaanxi Ningyuan New Material Technology Co., Ltd., and Xi'an Sanhang Power Technology Co., Ltd. were identified.

"Specialized new" enterprise is a key subject to enhance economic toughness and enhance the modernization level of the industrial chain supply chain. It is also an important force that stimulates innovative vitality and improves the industrial ecology. In recent years, Qin and Han New City has continuously increased the cultivation of "specialized new" enterprises, promoting "specialized new" enterprises to make up for shortcomings and forging long boards in the industrial basic field, and achieved significant results. Sexuality and competitiveness, the establishment of a new development pattern into new momentum.

Let's know these 4 companies together

Shaanxi Sanyi Youyan Material Technology Co., Ltd.

Shaanxi Sanyi Youyan Materials Technology Co., Ltd. was established in 2014. It is the largest processing enterprise in China (铱坩埚 and its accessories) in China. %above. Sanyi Youyan was built in the Qin and Han New Town in March 2016 and put into the production base of 5 tons of sacred products. It is at the advanced level in the field of Asia and the global pupae and the processing of the products. Leader.

Xi'an Oka Cloud Data Technology Co., Ltd.

Xi'an Oka Cloud Data Technology Co., Ltd. was established in 2017. It is a high -tech enterprise with software definition storage and smart Internet of Things as its core. Dual -core and continuous empowering enterprise data management and intelligent operation and maintenance. Military industry, education and scientific research, medical care, smart cities and other fields have created integration, intelligent, efficient, and reliable solutions for integration, intelligent, efficient, and reliable solutions. They have more than 60 independent intellectual property rights and have passed a number of certifications such as ISO9001 and CMMI3. Its independently developed distributed storage system, which is constructed around flash memory characteristics, simplifies the storage system and greatly improves the efficiency of the system. The cluster performance can reach 10 million IOPS. The research level is at the domestic advanced level, filling the gap in the domestic distributed storage system market.

Shaanxi Ningyuan New Materials Technology Co., Ltd.

Shaanxi Ningyuan New Material Technology Co., Ltd. is a national high -tech enterprise that is mainly engaged in prefabricated components, pre -mixed mortar, pre -mixed -dedicated dry powder products, blocks, plates, concrete and other businesses. Product research and development, design, and production experience are one of the earliest assembly prefabricated components in the western region and the earliest assembly prefabricated components, green building materials production enterprises in the industry, and the first subway shield pipeline supplier in the Northwest region, the first introduction of the northwest region. The concrete prefabricated component production enterprise of the automatic production line and imported equipment is a national prefabricated construction industry base for the Ministry of Housing and Construction.

Xi'an Sanhang Power Technology Co., Ltd.

Xi'an Sanhang Power Technology Co., Ltd. was established in 2013. It mainly develops aviation, aerospace, and navigation power equipment manufacturing and related equipment development and industrial applications. Related representative products ranked among the top three in the country in the country. The company is committed to breaking through the key core technologies of the overall component development and production of the overall component and production of major power equipment development in the field of domestic and international aerospace navigation. , Professional services for engineering technology, small batches of precision CNC processing trial production and other fields.

What is "specialized new"

On January 23, 2021, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology jointly issued the "Notice on Supporting the High -quality Development of Special Specialty" SMEs ", and launched the central government's high -quality development of high -quality development of small and medium -sized enterprises in the central government to support the" Specialty Specialty "SMEs policy. "Specialized New" enterprise is an important support for the future industrial chain and the main force of the strong chain supplement. Among them, "specialization" refers to professional and special technologies. ; "Fine" refers to refinement, refined production, refined management, and refined services; "special" refers to the uniqueness and characteristics of products or services. The characteristics of exclusive production; "new" refers to independent innovation and model innovation. If an enterprise meets any of them, you can declare the "specialized new".

According to reports, the Qin and Han New City will continue to increase the cultivation of "specialized new" enterprises to continuously tap potential to strengthen the "specialized new" enterprise groups in the zone to accelerate the transformation and upgrading of the industry.

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