Notice of Shangzhou: Do a good job of responding to recent catastrophic weather

Author:Shangzhou Rong Media Time:2022.07.11

According to the forecast of the meteorological department, high -temperature weather will appear continuously from July 9th to 10th in Shangzhou District. From July 11th to the day of the day, heavy rain will occur in some places. Level 7 or above thunderstorms. In order to do a good job of responding to the recent disaster weather, on July 8, the Office of the Shangzhou District Party Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Office of the People's Government of the Shangzhou District issued the "Urgent Notice on Doing a Good Corresponding Recent Catalog Copper", requiring towns (streets) (streets) Relevant departments should quickly respond to catastrophic weather to ensure the safety of the lives and property of the people, and the normal and orderly production and life of the people.

The "Notice" requires to strengthen the forecast and early warning and raise awareness of prevention. The meteorological department should closely monitor weather changes, increase the frequency of forecast early warning, and further improve the accuracy of forecasting and the timeliness of early warning release. Each towns (streets) should organize cadres to come to the door by house, facing the attention of the masses to propagate disaster prevention and avoidance, and ensure that they do not leak a household and one person. It is necessary to strengthen key monitoring and scientifically respond to flood conditions. The office of the District Flood and Drought Resistance Headquarters shall closely monitor the rain and water conditions, and strictly prevent "drought and floods rotating, the drought and flooding are paid to the other". Scientific effectiveness should be effective in the water, floods and geological disasters that may cause the flow of local short -term weather. The water conservancy department must strengthen the monitoring and dispatch of rivers, reservoirs and other flood areas; natural resource departments must strengthen monitoring and early warning of geological disasters; emergency management departments must strengthen the monitoring and prevention of tailing mining warehouses; Flood prevention disaster relief "people stares with people to retrieve" work mechanism, adhere to "advance and evacuation during the day", once the research needs to be transferred and evacuated, and quickly organize the masses to evacuate in an orderly manner to effectively protect the lives of the people's lives. It is necessary to strengthen the investigation of hidden dangers and build a safe bottom line. All towns (streets) and relevant departments shall conduct pull -net investigations on their jurisdictions, departments, and industries to eliminate hidden dangers of various types of risks in a timely manner, and resolutely leave blind spots without leakage. Other relevant departments should perform their duties, strengthen safety protection measures such as reservoirs, rivers, and lakes, and urge the community and family to strengthen summer safety education and management, and avoid drowning incidents such as students such as students. It is necessary to strengthen the duty on duty and make emergency response. All towns (streets) and relevant departments must strictly implement the 24 -hour flood control duty system. Upload and end to ensure that the instruction information is unobstructed. At the same time, do a good job of emergency rescue preparations such as teams, supplies, equipment, etc., strengthen training exercises, and ensure that once an emergencies occur, it can be scientifically or efficient.

Author: Jiang Yan

Edit: Liu Jiangshan

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