Shandong Zibo Yiyuan County Experimental Primary School: Waste use corn skin to become flowers

Author:Yiyuan Rong Media Time:2022.07.11

In order to enhance the children's aesthetic ability and stimulate the interest of students' hands -on creation, Yiyuan County Experimental Primary School in Zibo City, Shandong Province carried out the characteristic handmade courses for making flowers to make flowers.

Under the leadership of the teachers, the children learned the process of making flowers with corn skin. The bland corn skin passed, cut, paste, and make, and became a beautiful and unique flower with bright colors and gestures.

The development of this course not only improves the awareness of children's waste utilization and environmental protection, but also allows children to feel the rich and colorful of folk art in the appreciation and hands -on operation, and cultivate children's aesthetic sentiment.

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