Qinghai destroy a large telecommunications network fraud money laundering gang

Author:Qinghai Pu Law Time:2022.07.11

Qinghai News Network · Damei Qinghai Client In fact, it is a trap set by illegal elements. A few days ago, the Chengbei Public Security Branch of the Xining Public Security Bureau successfully destroyed a "running" money laundering criminal gang in Chengbei District, captured 31 suspects, seized 147 bank cards, more than 300,000 yuan of stolen money, and preliminarily found out that the funds involved in the case were 5,000. For more than 10,000 yuan, behind them is a large telecommunications network fraud money laundering gang.

"Running points" in different places

The reporter learned that Zhang, who was in his 50s this year, was from Hebei. In order to do his "old business" -help telecommunications scammers to wash money, at the end of May, Zhang came from Hebei Province to Xining. "Running points", as the name implies, points are money, running is to let money run. To transfer the cheated stolen money as soon as possible, a large number of "running points" personnel and a large number of bank cards need a liquid money laundering to the stolen money, and Zhang plays the role of the bank card. People like Zhang to open a bank card with their ID cards or others' ID cards to earn commissions are called "Kunno", and the home behind "Cannon" is called "card head". After coming to Xining, Zhang immediately contacted the house. "The residence has been arranged, and the address is sent to you." As soon as he arrived in Xining, Zhang lived in a hotel located in Xiaqiao Street, Chengbei District, Xining City, and stayed with him with other provinces who stayed with him. Little text and others. It is understood that Zhang can make a bank card for 2,000 to 3,000 yuan each. In the next few days, Zhang and Xiaowen and others have visited the bank to open the card business many times. When "card head" contacted himself to pick up the card, he did not know that he had been listed by Hebei Police as online escorters.

On June 8th, the network security department of the Chengbei Public Security Bureau found that Zhang was suspected of helping the information network criminals, and immediately transferred the case to the Casino Public Security Bureau's anti -fraud center. According to the clues, the police handling the case immediately went to the scene to find out that there were multiple bank cards and multiple mobile phones in Zhang's room. The police immediately checked the account funds in the bank card. "What do you do with so many mobile phones and bank cards? Are these money transferred to your own?" "I ... I ... I ..." Facing the source of abnormal funds in the bank card account Zhang Mou was unclear. Through the comprehensive analysis of Zhang's mobile phone information and bank account, the police preliminary confirming that Zhang was suspected of renting and borrowed a personal bank card to participate in the "running" criminal gang to transfer money and laundering. Essence


"At first, I was only resold to them by running a bank card. I just transferred it. I did not expect that this was also a crime ..." In the interrogation room, Zhang confessed to the police how he slipped to the abyss step by step, and the situation of the money laundering gang he had mastered. Essence The police handling the case followed the line, and the layer of the case was dug ... a "running" money laundering criminal gang with strict organization gradually surfaced. "It is most likely a complete telecommunications fraud gang behind this. You must cut off this money laundering chain, and you must not let this' tumor continue to develop." After mastering this important clue, the Anti -Fraud Center of the Chengbei Public Security Bureau immediately analyzed the case involved in the case immediately. For personnel information, I found that the gang was a complete money laundering chain. The police handling the case reported this situation step by step. The party committee of the Chengbei Public Security Branch attached great importance to it. The main leaders of the organization and the relevant police held a case analysis and judgment meeting. During the survey, the police found a Xining native named Wang Mouqiang, who was the largest "card head" in Xining in the gang. In 2021, Wang Mouqiang found a doorway to "earn fast money" through a friend. You only need to provide his own bank card to "account" to others. Each provision of a bank card can get 2,000 yuan to 3,000 yuan compensation. , And you can get money on the same time. Faced with such a relaxed way of making money, Wang Mouqiang should give his bank card to his friends and cooperate with him to complete the operation. Afterwards, Wang Mouqiang received 2,000 yuan. Slowly, Wang Mouqiang established a contact with telecommunications scammers and joined the gang as a "card head". He knew that was illegal laundering for the other party, but he took risks to make money. It is reported that Wang Mouqiang is usually responsible for recruiting "Cannon" and allowing "Canon" to go to the bank to apply for a bank card and then resold it to the telecommunications fraud gang for fraudulent funds. Every time, Wang Mouqiang organized several people to go to all parts of the country to apply for a bank card. For a year, he went to Changsha, Hunan, and Taiyuan, Shanxi to apply for more than a hundred bank cards.

All arrest

"The number of cases involved in this case is large and scattered, which has increased the difficulty for our arrest." After continuous fighting, the police handling the case successfully locked Wang Mouqiang and the remaining suspects according to the clues. The suspect Wang Mouqiang and others were arrested in the hotel, and 116 cases were arranged. In order to avoid the "fighter", the task force tried the 31 criminal suspects captured overnight. In the end, in the face of a large amount of evidence, the criminal suspect of the gang truthfully confess his criminal facts. At present, 24 criminal suspects of "running" money laundering criminal gangs have been adopted by public security organs to take criminal compulsory measures in accordance with the law. Essence In the next step, the task force will dig deeper clues to expand the results of the war. Currently, the case is under further investigation. Source: Qinghai News Network

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