As of the end of June this year, the employment of the people of poverty alleviation was 4.594 million people at the end of June this year

Author:Harvest Festival Time:2022.07.11

The reporter learned from the State and Rural Revitalization Bureau: The follow -up support and employment assistance workshop work of Easy Earth Poverty Alleviation has achieved significant results. As of the end of June this year, the employment scale of the relocated people from poverty alleviation was 4.594 million, exceeding the level of the end of 2021. The relocation families with labor force have basically achieved at least one employment; the number of employment help workshops and the number of poverty alleviation people have continued to stabilize, reaching 34,000 respectively , 433,000 people have provided strong support for the stable employment of poverty alleviation and consolidation and expansion of poverty alleviation.

Easy to relocate poverty alleviation people is an important group to prevent the return of scale and stabilize the scale and income of relocated people to relocate poverty alleviation. Data show that there are 35,000 centralized resettlement points in the country's cumulative poverty alleviation and relocation, and more than 96 million people have relocated poverty alleviation. In 2021, the per capita net income of the relocation of poverty alleviation was 1,1897 yuan, of which 72.4%of the wage income accounted for 72.4%.

From July 8th to 9th, the State and Rural Revitalization Bureau held relevant meetings to emphasize that we must do everything possible to promote low -income relocation and relocating poverty alleviation. Enhance the employment skills of relocation and labor force.

Employment assistance workshop is an important means to promote employment, and it is also an important carrier to promote the employment of poverty alleviation. The State and Rural Revitalization Bureau stated that it is necessary to take multiple measures and promote the high -quality development of employment assistance workshops to ensure that the number of employment assistance workshops has stabilized more than 30,000 and the number of employment of poverty alleviation is stable. On the basis of the investigation, the employment effect of the poverty alleviation and employment of poverty alleviation is used as an important indicator, and the employment assistance workshop is re -identified based on the driving ability and operating conditions. Strengthen the improvement of quality and efficiency, integrate the development of the development of the workshop with the development of rural revitalization industries, integrate with the extension of the industrial chain, and fusion with the cultivation of emerging industries.

Source: People's Daily

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