urgent!Shanxi launched a heavy rain IV emergency response

Author:Shanxi Economic Daily Time:2022.07.11

On July 11, the office of the major weather disaster emergency headquarters in Shanxi Province launched a heavy rain response of heavy rain IV.

From 11-13, most of our province will have the strongest precipitation weather since the flood in the flood. The process cumulative rainfall is 20-130 mm, and the local area can reach more than 200 mm. This round of heavy precipitation is divided into two stages. On the 11th to night on the 11th, there are medium to heavy rain in most areas south of Shuozhou, heavy rains in some areas, and local heavy rain (100-120 mm). From the night of the 12th to the day of the 13th, there are medium to heavy rain in Taiyuan and south, heavy rain in some areas, and local heavy rain (100-150 mm). During the precipitation period, it will be accompanied by strong convection weather such as short-term precipitation, thunderstorms, hail and other strong streams. The smallest rain is 40-60 mm.

In accordance with the relevant provisions of the "Emergency Plan for Major Meteorological Disasters in Shanxi Province", after discussing and judging and reporting to the province's major meteorological disaster emergency headquarters, the commander of the provincial major weather disaster emergency headquarters decided to start the heavy rain from 10:30 on July 11th at 10:30 Class IV emergency response, please invite members of the provincial major meteorological disaster emergency headquarters to immediately enter the state of heavy rain IV emergency response status. Regarding the municipal weather disaster emergency headquarters closely pay close attention to the early warning information of meteorological disasters, and judge the emergency response status of the corresponding level according to the actual actual research.

Each member unit shall strengthen the work on duty in accordance with the requirements of the plan, ensure that the communication is smooth, and report the emergency response information to the Provincial Headquarters Office in a timely manner. The content of the information should include the arrangement of the headquarters, emergency response measures, and disaster information information.

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