Increase to 30 items in Jiangsu released the basic pension service list 2.0 version 2.0

Author:Jiangnan Times Time:2022.07.11

Jiangsu is a province with a high degree of aging nationwide and a large number of elderly population. As of the end of 2021, the population of the elderly over 60 years old is 18.8368 million, accounting for 22.15%of the total permanent population ratio.

A few days ago, the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Civil Affairs, the Development and Reform Commission, the Finance Department, and the Agricultural and Rural Department jointly held a press conference to interpret the "Guiding Catalog of Basic Pension Service (2022 Edition)" and "Guiding Opinions on Promoting the High -quality Development of Rural Pension Service " The reporter learned from the meeting that the directory list clarifies the government's responsibility and what standard services provided. Elderly people of different ages and different categories can be used to enjoy basic pension services according to the picture.

Service content clearing and projectization

The elderly can follow the picture

The solidification and projectization of basic pension services is a powerful measure to improve the basic pension service system. In 2020, our province took the lead in formulating the "Guiding Catalog of Basic Pension Service in Jiangsu Province" in the country, and the catalog was implemented with dynamic management. This year, the Provincial Department of Civil Affairs has further expanded the projects and contents of basic pension services, further refined and clearly refined the objects and standards of basic pension services, and formed a list of list of catalogs in 2022.

The reporter from Jiangnan Times learned that the basic pension service project was adjusted from 18 items to 30 in the past, increasing the provision of community activities, "silver -haired consultants" services, medical treatment convenience services, home on -site services, comprehensive evaluation of the ability of the elderly, basic pension insurance insurance The service content of services such as preferential support, special support, subsidies for the disabled, and special support for family planning make the basic pension services richer, more accurate, and more suitable for the actual needs of the elderly.

According to Sha Weiwei, a first -level inspector of the Provincial Department of Civil Affairs, the basic pension service content on the list is mainly divided into two categories.

The first is the inclusive service items for the elderly for the elderly. Clarify the basic public services enjoyed by all the elderly, mainly including providing community activities, convenient medical services, elderly education services, health management services, comprehensive evaluation of the ability of the elderly, basic pension insurance, respect for the elderly, and free urban public transportation. Visiting parks and public cultural facilities are important parts of promoting the development of all elderly people, stimulating the vitality of the ages, and protecting the rights and interests of the elderly, and reflect the work orientation of equalization of basic public services.

The second is to facing special elderly protection service items. Clarifying special difficulties such as special difficulties such as special difficulties, minimum living security, family planning special families, and economic difficulties, elderly people such as empty nests, disabled, and elderly people who have made special contributions to the society. Subsidies, home visits, on -site services, family aging transformation, and priority to the public pension institutions, the government provides corresponding funding subsidies, reflecting the care and support for special elderly people.

Multi -dimensional, systematic

Promote the reform and development of the rural pension service system

Rural care is an important part of the construction of the elderly service system. According to incomplete statistics, the average aging of rural population in our province is higher than 5 percentage points in cities. Compared with cities, the problem of "not wealthy old" and "unparalleled old" in rural areas is even more prominent. To this end, the Provincial Department of Civil Affairs and Provincial Department of Development and Reform, the Provincial Department of Finance, the Provincial Agricultural and Rural Department and other departments issued the "About Guiding Opinions to promote high -quality development of rural pension services ".

The "Guidance Opinions" proposed that the main tasks of promoting the development of rural pension services include, promoting the development of basic pension services in rural areas, improving the layout of the county -level pension service facilities in the county, deepening the reform of the system and mechanism of rural specialty support institutions, and promoting medical care and health care in rural areas Combining and innovating the development model of rural elderly care services, multi -dimensional and systematically promote the reform and development of the rural pension service system. In terms of security measures, five specific measures are clearly strengthened to strengthen organizational leadership, optimize land guarantee, increase funding support, strengthen talent support, and strengthen publicity and guidance, and provide basic support for high -quality development of rural pension services.

Our province is vigorously developing rural leisure agriculture and attracting urban elderly people to carry out short -term treatment, agricultural leisure and other activities in rural areas. Huang Ting, director of the Development Planning Division of the Provincial Agricultural and Rural Department, introduced that in 2021, there are 100 Kangmei bases with holiday pension and Kang physical medicine as the main functions of the "One Park, Two Base" promotion list released by our province in 2021. For example, Yufa Ecological Park in Pukou District, Nanjing, Kangmei Base in Huahu Village, Qixia District.

The "Guidance Opinions" emphasizes the deepening mechanism of medical care and health care in rural areas, give full play to the role of county medical communities, and promote county -level high -quality medical resources to sink to the elderly and pension institutions in rural areas. At the same time, encourage the development of pension infrastructure and ecological environment to develop migratory bird pensions, rural pensions and other models, attract urban elderly people in rural areas to carry out short -term treatment, agricultural leisure and other activities, and promote coordinated development of rural pensions and industries.

(Reporter Qian Haiying)

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