The "charge" in Lingang District, Weihai City

Author:Weihai Evening News Time:2022.07.11

Improve the "combat manual, refine the" combat plan ", extend the" combat map ", upgrade the" combat equipment "... Since this year, Lingang District has surrounded the annual requirements of investment promotion and project construction, and sounds the" charge number of the charge number number of the project service. ", Further improve the service capabilities of the help of the office, create a standardized and standardized sample, and continuously enhance the attraction of regional investment.

Lingang District improves the project landing service manual covering land acquisition, planning, starting, and completion of the entire process service mechanism in accordance with the "zero basic template" model. All approval points, difficult points, and key nodes are included in the manual management. Approval staff can do "one book in hand, the project is worry -free." Combined with the actual situation of the district, the district further improves the rules and regulations, assessment methods and work plans of the help office office, and clarify the work responsibilities, scope, points, refine the process and measures, establish and improve the assessment and evaluation mechanism, and form a continuous improvement and cycle improvement. "Closed -loop management" model.

The Lingang District further expands the scope of service personnel in the office, and the relevant departments of the relevant departments of the relevant departments of the relevant departments will be included in the service team, and the inter -departmental and three -dimensional service system will be established. The system "delay service", "appointment service" and "one -to -one" special service to achieve the work goals of enterprises and the masses to "only find one person". They also vigorously promote smart services based on the concept of "doing online, hand -in -law, and not meeting". Continue to upgrade the exclusive "integrated code" service mechanism of the project, improve the content of the "code" service, improve the accuracy of the "code" service, and ensure that the "one yard" of the construction unit is in hand, inquiries with the project processing matters, agency personnel and the progress of the process. The entire process of approval data, "dynamic updates, real -time sharing", realize "no one, do not enter a door, do everything to do", and use "data to empower" to complete the effectiveness.

Weihai Evening News reporter Yu Xinping Correspondent Wang Linjun Sui Xin

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