Binhai Town, Zhanhua District: "Flood" fast operation is tight flood prevention safety strings

Author:Zhanhua District Rong Media Ce Time:2022.07.11

In order to do a good job in the flood prevention work and build a safety defense line to ensure the safety of the flood in the town. On July 6, Liu Jingming, the deputy secretary of the Binhai Town Party Committee and Mayor of Zhanhua District, led a team to go to the front line to investigate the hidden risks during the flood season.

One line to the four branches and rivers along the Tuyuhe River, the three branches of dry gates, the cross river gates along the Chaohe River to view the water level and water conditions;Water and farmland waterlogging, etc., accurately grasp the distribution of weak flood prevention areas.

Liu Jingming pointed out that the flood season is coming, and heavy rainfall continues. We must always tighten the string of flood prevention, improve the emergency plan system, equip emergency supplies in advance, pay close attention to rain, water, flood, flood prevention, flood prevention, drainage, drainage, drainage, and crowd resettlement and transferring daily risk avoidanceWork and go all out to protect the lives and property of the people.

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