There are 1 cholera case in Wuhan University, official notification details

Author:Guangdong Sanitary Online Time:2022.07.11

On July 10, there was a dormitory in Wuhan University suspected of finding a cholera, which caused widespread attention.

On the 11th, Wuhan Wuchang District Health and Health Bureau reported that on the evening of July 9, Wuchang District Disease Control Center received a report from the hospital that there was a case of infectious diarrhea in Wuhan University, mainly vomiting and diarrhea. O139 positive. After reviewing the provincial and municipal third -level disease control centers, the serum science condensation test of this case is O139 positive, diagnosed with cholera, and the toxic gene is negative. Patients have been effectively diagnosed and treated, their condition has been controlled, and symptoms have disappeared. The bureau has organized professional institutions for sampling detection and tracking management of relevant personnel, and temporarily closed control management and disinfection disposal of related places. No new cases are found.

Choib is a kind of intestinal infectious disease that can be effectively prevented and treated. The Health and Health Bureau of Wuchang District has instructed Wuhan University to do a good job in the health publicity and education of the majority of teachers and students in summer intestinal infectious diseases, and asked the school to strengthen campus environmental management. Citizens are requested to pay attention to personal hygiene, do a good job of self -health monitoring, do not believe in rumors, and do not spread rumors.

What is cholera?

The infectious diseases stipulated in the "Prevention and Control of the People's Republic of China" are divided into class A, C and C. In China, cholera belongs to category A infectious disease, and it is a high -turn season for my country's choice in May to October each year.

Experts said that the cholera is urgent, the condition is severe, the infection is fast, and the spread is wide, so it is listed as a category A infectious disease.

Choisy is caused by cholera. The symptoms are mainly diarrhea, and diarrhea starts with no stomach pain. It will also appear with vomiting symptoms. Polluted water sources and seafood can be used as a way to spread. Very severe diarrhea often causes greater harm to the human body, and will cause symptoms such as dehydration, which quickly leads to life -threatening.

According to the previous data released by the National Health and Health Commission's Disease Control and Control Bureau, in 2021, there were 5 cases of choice reported in the country, without death cases; 11 cases of choice reported in the country in 2020, without death cases.

Edit | Editor of Yin Yan | Zhang Xiuli

Comprehensive source | Wuchang District Health and Health Bureau, China News Network

Produced by Guangdong Health Online All -Media Team

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