Hengshui: The special rectification of the behavior of easy to get the accident is started

Author:Hengshui Radio and Television Time:2022.07.11

In order to strengthen the safety and control of highway traffic, effectively purify the order of traffic, stabilize the situation of road traffic safety in summer, in accordance with the unified deployment of the province, starting from the end of September to the end of September to carry out a special rectification of the Summer Highway Yishaisi in the Summer Highway.

The 100 -day operation takes the "two passengers, one danger and one cargo" vehicle and 6 or more passenger cars as the special rectification object. The accident is easy to cause illegal acts, and effectively controls a group of people, vehicles, roads, and enterprises to hand in safety hazards, and make every effort to prevent "reduction and control" of highway traffic accidents, and strive to achieve road traffic accidents. Decrease, no major traffic accidents occur.

The key vehicles and illegal behaviors that are strictly controlled by the 100 -day operation are: highway passenger and tourist passenger vehicles override passenger, speeding, fatigue driving, passengers do not use seat belts, and highways do not follow the prescribed lanes to drive illegal acts; heavy medium types The trucks are severely overloaded, fatigue driving, and highway on highways, do not drive in accordance with the prescribed lane, illegal parking behavior, light trucks are severely overloaded, illegal people, and illegal modifications are illegal; Classic transport vehicles violate the stipulated stipulation of restrictions and driving illegal driving; tractor, low -speed trucks, and three -wheeled vehicles illegal people.

In response to the characteristics of illegal behaviors of the Summer Highway Yishang, every Friday and the Mid -Autumn Festival holidays (September 9th to 13th) are the province's unified concentration operations. Combining video inspections with pavement patrols, sending law enforcement teams into rural areas to carry out mobile law enforcement, and joint transportation departments to jointly crack down on truck overloads, especially the "100 -ton king" serious overload violations. The "two members" of the rural agricultural machinery of the agricultural department and the "special management officer" of the rural highway of the transportation department jointly discouraged illegal acts such as "superscene and truck illegal people", and improved the alarm and management rate of roads. While strictly controlling the control of the road, it will actively jointly dig into a thorough investigation, strengthen front -end governance, and effectively cut off illegal chains and interest chains such as illegal modification, overload, and illegal operations of trucks.

During the 100 -day operation, the traffic police department will also fully apply the risk evaluation results of the enterprise. The relevant departments will interview the key transportation enterprises with high risk levels and more violations of laws and accidents for a long time, and implement joint supervision and supervision and rectification. The employment enterprises and farm owners of the traffic accidents will be strictly pursued, and those who have illegal supermarkets and people will be promoted to strict penalties for local governments and relevant departments. For the production, loading, unloading, transportation, and relevant responsible persons suspected of dangerous driving, investigate the case according to law.

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