Shanghai: The first trial of "donating Shanghai materials to be swallowed down" was sentenced

Author:Guangzhou Daily Time:2022.07.11

The reporter learned from the People's Court of Baoshan District, Shanghai that the court made a first -instance judgment on the case of the defendant Zhang Moumou on the 11th.

The Baoshan Court found out that in April 2022, the defendant Zhang Moumou had the purpose of illegal possession, separate or guys with others, and entrusted the issue of vegetable prevention and living security supplies distributed by Zhangmiao Street, Baoshan District, Shanghai. Essence The relevant materials of the government are purchased or donated by the brother provincial and municipal governments, with a total value of more than 13,000 yuan.

The Baoshan Court believes that the defendant Zhang Moumou, as a person entrusted by the state organs to manage state -owned property, uses the convenience of swallowing in his position for specific state -owned property for epidemic prevention and living security, and his behavior has constituted a crime of corruption. When the defendant Zhang Moumou implemented a crime, it was when the situation in Shanghai's epidemic prevention and control was severe and difficult for life materials. The defendant used the convenience of his position to use his position to invade the epidemic prevention and life protection supplies. His behavior not only damaged the integrity of the state's epidemic prevention and anti -epidemic and guaranteeing supply behavior, violated the ownership of state -owned property, and severely disrupted the epidemic prevention prevention. Controlling work order affects the normal management of epidemic prevention materials. The severe impact of the criminal behavior increased the pressure of the grass -roots first -tier epidemic prevention and epidemic work, damaged the credibility of grass -roots organizations, and harmed the feelings of supporting Shanghai's affairs from all walks of life.

Comprehensive the facts of the defendant Zhang Moumou's criminal facts, circumstances, guilt attitude, and social harm caused, Baoshan Court sentenced the defendant Zhang Moumou to one year in prison for corruption, and fined RMB 100,000 to recover illegal illegal in accordance with the law. Obtain.

Source: Xinhua News Agency Guangzhou Daily · Xinhua City Editor: Long Chengliu

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