You Guangjing: "Charity" with both hands to start a beautiful life Time:2022.07.11

You Guangjing, born in 1986, was a girl who was unconvinced. After she suffered from pediatric paralysis, she could not stand on. The twists and turns of fate did not make this post -80s girl lose their courage to live. With tenacious perseverance and firm belief, she studied massage and opened the Chinese Medicine Massage Hall, creating her own beautiful life.

Optimistic and strong, who does not give up 12 years old, she can finally "stand up"

In 1986, You Guangjing was born in a small village in Hulan District, Harbin. When she was one year old, because of a high fever, her two legs had no consciousness. The doctor diagnosed her suffering from pediatric paralysis, and she could no longer stand on. Her parents took her to seek medical treatment, but they couldn't cure it. Her abdomen was not conscious, and her parents were taken care of by her parents every day.

You Guangjing said that his entire elementary school was completed with the help of parents, teachers and students. Although her body has a disability, she has not given up in her heart. Her grades have always been among the best. She is very sensible when she is young. In order to reduce the number of troubles of the teacher and classmates, she never eats fruits or drink before school. water. Until her 12 years old, her fate ushered in a turning point. After three major surgery, she finally realized the desire to walk independently with a cane. For the first time, she could "stand up". Although the surgery is very painful, this optimistic and strong girl is never timid, nor does it hurt to her parents and doctors. For her parents, and the provinces, city, county disabled federations and social lovers who support and help her, she has always been always Thanksgiving, I hope that one day I have the ability to return everyone.

Overcoming physical discomfort to learn massage and start a business for entrepreneurship and self -reliance

In the days of going to school, You Guangjing always has good academic learning. In junior high school, she has always been the first place in the class. Do their listeners and solve their problems for them. After going to high school, in order to reduce the burden on the family who did not make up, she made the most resolute decision in her life -dropping out.

In order to solve the problem of life, You Guangjing came to the Harbin Disabled Persons' Federation Employment Service Guidance Center to start studying massage skills. "I have repeatedly pushed and acupuncture in 130 acupuncture points. Come to practice. "You Guangjing said, because the number of exercises was too large and the intensity was too strong, she also suffered from tendonosynovitis.

Kung Fu lived up to hard work. For a few months, You Guangjing mastered all the learning content. However, when she started her job, she repeatedly encountered the wall. Seeing that she was the disabled, many people would question her technical method and work ability. The girl, who had not been able to lose since she was a child, did not give up because of this. She resolutely chose to open a shop and start a business.

In 2013, You Guangjing's small shop "Thai and Traditional Chinese Medicine Massage" officially opened. At first, in order to recruit customers, she chose to massage for everyone. Slowly, her service and technology were recognized by customers. From a few more guests to a dozen, now, the frequent customers in her shop have reached dozens of people. "Everyone can feel the intention of my intentions, and it feels good to work hard to achieve her own value!" You Guangjing said, now now, now on the current, now on She can support herself by her hands. In the future, she hopes to do better and better, and she has the ability to return to her parents for many years. Come to the caring person who helped her.

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