Anhui Huaining: "Sky" to drink a hundred years of inheritance of Xijiu civilized township inheritance

Author:Anhui County Rong Channel Time:2022.07.11

There is an unwritten rule in the Sun Shan Group of Wuqiao Village, Huai Ning County, Anqing City, Anqing City: Regardless of the red and white happy events, the owner's family will not do it. The villagers in this group do not have to follow the ceremony, but they can "empty hands" to drink wedding wine.

The villager Sun Xiaoming's daughter in May last year, he held Xiliu to thank the neighbors. In addition to the symbolic gifts of the parents at home, the left and right neighbors did not need to pack red envelopes. The red and white happy events are set up, and Sun Shan has adhered to nearly a century. How did this tradition come from? Sun Chunwang, a 81 -year -old villager this year, said: "I remember when I was a child, no matter who we do red and white affairs, everyone goes to help. Hearing the generations of people, the past is poor, and the neighboring folks will not be more than 5 cents at most. Now Only 30 yuan, we will keep sticking to it. "

The picture shows village cadres signed a letter of migration and customs

The Sun Shan group has more than 170 households in 52 households. The group also stipulates that the red and white wedding mats do not exceed 300 yuan per table, and the scale is strictly controlled to avoid blind comparison and waste and waste, forming a civilized and harmonious banquet.

A few years ago, after the death of a group of Sun Shan group, the family filed a funeral in accordance with the customs of the group. There are no big fish and meat on the banquet, which is a few tables of relatives and friends, and the whole funeral is very simple. Compared with the standards of other places, the funeral saves at least 20,000 yuan.

Although there are few gifts, the folks have not become sparse because of the less ceremony. In the Sun Shan group, there are red and white happy events, and the group will help. "There are almost no things in our neighbors than who have a high -end banquet and spend more than whom." Villager Sun Changding said that the villagers have strictly implemented the village regulations for many years, the red and white joy is simple, the villagers observe, the conditions are good, the conditions are good, and the conditions are good. Families cannot destroy the rules formed in the village for many years.

The picture shows the strong atmosphere of the rural and easy villages in the countryside

"Our 23 villagers 'groups have set up the Red and White Council to advocate that the villagers' happy events are simplified and they are not much to do. The awareness of the red and white happy events is generally formed. Folklore and folk customs are quietly formed in the village. "Gan Shanxi, secretary of the party branch of Wuqiao Village.

In recent years, Wuqiao Village has vigorously implemented the theme of "promoting the movement of the customs and the establishment of a civilized countryside", focusing on "new wedding, cleanliness, mourning, and small things". Teachers, veterans veterans, and other "five old" personnel and villagers' representatives as members of the moral assessment parliament, red and white council, anti -drug ban gambling and other organizations to spontaneously carry out the customs and customs, eliminate great operations, waste, waste, and burial. Wait for the bad habits of folk customs. At the same time, the creation of civilized villages and civilized families, continuously promoting the movement and customs, promoting popular science popularization, resisting feudal superstition, stopping illegal religious activities, and carrying out the selection With the cultivation of rural wind and civilization, the civilized rural style has gradually become popular, laying a good foundation for vigorously implementing the strategy of rural revitalization. Wuqiao Village has won honorary titles such as the establishment of pilot villages in beautiful villages across the country, demonstration sites of green villages in Anhui Province, Anhui Health Village, Anhui Province Democratic Law Demonstration Village.

Source: Tan Zhiyang Zhao Linyu, Huairing County Rong Media Center

Edit: Ang Yuhao

Review: Zhu Jianghui Gongling Banner

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