Sudden!A forest fire occurred in Josemotti National Park, and the fire area expanded to 6.5 square kilometers.

Author:Daily Economic News Time:2022.07.11

According to CCTV News, forest fires occurred on the 7th local time in Yosemite National Park, which endangered the largest giant fir forest in the park. The park subsequently blocked some areas and was investigating the cause of the fire.

The giant fir is an evergreen giant tree. It is the largest tree in the world and can reach 100 meters. At present, there are only 70 giant fir forests in the world, all located on the west slope of the Nevada Mountains in California, and some of them are more than 3,000 years old.

More than 500 giant fids are threatened

The Josemotti National Park, also known as the U.S. Metropolitan National Park, was included in the World Natural Heritage List in 1984. Mariposa Grove, located near the entrance to the south entrance of Josemotti National Park, has more than 500 giant sequins trees and is the largest Sequoia forest in the Josemotti National Park.

North American Equipment belongs to giant trees, with a height of 110 meters and a diameter of 8 meters. It is concentrated in about 70 forest land on the west slope of the Nevada Mountains in California. Some of them are more than 3,000 years old. Come. It is estimated that there are about 75,000 giant sequins trees in the local area. The mountain fires caused by lightning in the past two years have killed 1/5 of the giant Sequoia trees. Josemotti National Park has been regularly burning plants near North American Sequoia Forest to prevent mountain fire from threatening to Sequoia forest.

According to Reuters, as of last weekend, the fire of about Seminti National Park has expanded five times, and smoke has triggered the air quality alert of the entire park. Federal officials warn that the quality of particles in the air in most parts of the park has reached an unhealthy level. The US media quoted the air quality monitoring website PurpleAir data that as of 6 pm on Sunday on July 10, the air quality index around several areas around Semimiti National Park exceeded 200 (201 ~ 300 was "very unhealthy"). The authorities suggested that "tourists going to Jeminti should reduce or avoid outdoor activities."

Reuters reported that as of Sunday, July 10, the fire had burned nearly 1,600 acres (about 6.5 square kilometers) at the southern end of the southern end of the Semimiti National Park, and as of Friday, July 9 250 acres (about 1 square kilometers).

CNN report screenshot

According to Nancy Phillipe, a spokesperson spokesman for the fire information of the Timeti National Park, the fire in the park has endangered more than 500 giant fir. The fire department dispatched nearly 300 firefighters, two fire -extinguishing helicopters and a fireproof aircraft to control the fire. At present, a team has been sent to the giant fir forest, and the team members will wrap the huge trunk with fireproof foil paper.

Picture source: Associated Press

According to Philip, a total of 1,600 tourists were affected in the summer tourist season. In addition, the authorities also closed the entrance of the park in the park. According to Philip, the number of tourists attracts 4 million tourists each year. At present, the surrounding areas of Sequoia have been blocked, and the trunk of the rubies is protected on the trunk. A nearby community has also received an withdrawal instruction.

About 35,000 in the United States during the year

The Associated Press quoted the data of the National Forest Fire Coordination Center that the beginning of the United States has been burned by about 19,000 square kilometers since the beginning of the year. Happening. Since the beginning of this year, large -scale forest fires have also occurred in New Mexico, Alaska and other places, while California is almost experiencing drought in the whole state and facing fire risks at any time.

According to reports, for more than a century, the US federal government has poor management of forests, which has led to densely dense forest dead trees and bushes. The dry vegetation on the ground is not cleaned up in time, and "at all" during the high incidence of fire, encouraging Linhuo. Coupled with the intensification of drought in climate change, the forest fires in the western United States have become more destructive. In addition, Lin Huo originally only had high incidence in the early summer solstice, and now he has high incidence at the end of the year.

"Daily Economic News" reporter noticed that since this year, the drought conditions caused by climate change have caused frequent wild fire in the western United States. CNN quoted the California Fire Department data that in California alone, more than 9,000 fires occurred last year, causing 2.5 million acres (about 10,000 square kilometers) land to be burned. Last month, officials from Southern California said that due to the increase in firefighters and the increase in workload, they are preparing to welcome another challenging summer. Garcia, a fire director of the US Forestry Bureau of the National Forest of Los Angeles, also said that the situation in the first few months of this year is "worrying".

Daily Economic News

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