Ningbo, Zhejiang: Sitting on the subway to the navigation "China Sailing Day" theme special train officially departs

Author:Ningbo Evening News Time:2022.07.11

"China Vioxa Day" subway special ranks

July 11th is the day of China Navigation Day, and it is also the day when "World Maritime Day" is implemented in our country. Yesterday, the Chinese navigation and day theme specialized in the creativity of "sitting on the subway" was officially deployed as an important theme event to welcome the 18th China Navigation Day.

From the Millennium Canal culture in the west of Ningbo to the Beilun Wharf of the Ocean Oriental Port, from ancient times to the present, this line has also been connected with Ningbo's navigation culture in Ningbo.

The special line is set on the Ningbo Rail Transit Line 1 to the west of Haishu Takahashi to and from the west to and from Beilun. Blue is the theme color of Line 1. The special line is presented in the real scene of sailing sea ships. The first carriage is the bow, the ground is a ship deck and container, and the body is the sea and blue sky. Sitting on the train seemed to be in a wind and waves and drove towards the blue sea.

There are 6 themes inside the carriage, which are the origin of China ’s navigation and day, introduction of previous China Navigation Day Forum (Ningbo), Maritime Silk Road, build a strong marine country, build a cosmetic metropolis, and build a world -class strong port. "Promote Zheng He's spiritual inheritance of navigation culture", "Sailing on the new Silk Road to sail again", and the promotional slogan and the previous navigation day and Ningbo city image held by Ningbo are presented on the body. The history and future of the sea and Xiang Haituqiang.

The person in charge of the activities of the Organizing Committee of the Organizing Committee of the China Sailing Day (Ningbo) said that the theme of this year's Chinese navigation day event is "leading the new trend of navigation green and low -carbon intelligence", and advocating the low -carbon travel of the subway is in line with the theme of the event. Line 1 is the only subway line in Ningbo's current Hong Kong area. Ningbo is the starting port of the three major "Maritime Silk Roads" in ancient China.

According to reports, starting from July 11, this train will be driving on Line 1 for 1 month, 7-8 flights a day.

Reporter Fan Hong correspondent Yu Mingxiawen/Photo

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