Two provinces deceive thousands of people. The gangs are aimed at the elderly

Author:Zhejiang Daily Time:2022.07.11

Zhejiang News Client reporter Qian Yi Qian Yi Shi Liwei Correspondent Wu Jieyang Yi

The "magic medicine" seized by the police

It is an urgent desire for the people of the people, especially the elderly groups, especially the elderly. In order to severely punish illegal crimes of pension fraud in accordance with the law, to extend the problem of fraudulent scams that infringe the legitimate rights and interests of the elderly, and to enjoy a good social environment for the elderly to enjoy happiness in their old age. Special action for rectification of pension fraud. For more than 3 months, Zhejiang has continued to strengthen the strong offensive of pension fraud through publicity and education, cracking down on the law, and rectification specifications, and has achieved staged results.

The reason why the elderly is easy to become the goal of fraud and crime, most of the reason is that many elderly people have weak awareness of prevention and strong rights protection. From a large number of cases of cracking down on pension fraud throughout the province, we took typical cases of pension fraud who had been scammented by the campaign to combat the rectification of Zhuji as an example. Measures and so on.

Once alarm leads a scam gang

"Comrade Police, I was deceived!"

In May of this year, Zhuji police received a call from the citizen that a few days ago at the gate of Chengdong Farmers' Farm, he spent thousands of dollars to buy some medicines that can treat arthritis.

By looking for video materials, the police saw two middle -aged men selling medicines and found their foothold in Shun Teng.

"I know where there are only two people, they have more than a dozen people!" Tang Liuhuan, the deputy captain of the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Zhuji Public Security Bureau, discovered keenly that this is likely to be an organized criminal gang.

The Zhuji Municipal Public Security Bureau immediately stimulated the hard work to form a task force to carry out the work.

"This group of people only came in Zhuji in late April this year, and all the big vegetable farms in towns and streets have been there." The police handling the case said that after preliminary investigation, the fraud gang was in the inside of several small gangs, with 2 to 4 For a group of people, each small gang has a woman responsible for the wind and customer, and others are pretending to be "divine medicine" for medicine.

The scam gang chose a crime every time. After the crowd gathered, they began to actively promote the "magic medicine" to the surrounding people, claiming that they could treat various diseases such as dazzling, back pain, arthritis, and periarthitis.

At the scene, they often ordered a drop of chemical potion in the palms of the elderly, and then ordered a drop of alcohol soaked in ginger. They used the chemical reactions of the two to panic and scare the elderly. Hurry up "to achieve the purpose of deception.

Police arrested the suspects of fraud gang criminals

The price of more than ten yuan for medicine sells for thousands

These scammers' "magic medicines" who cure all diseases have no effect that they boast, but only 10 yuan and a bottle of black chicken Baifeng Pill or Liuwei Dihuang Wan, which are sold after watering.

When some elderly people are distressed to buy, the scammers will threaten and intimidate.

"If you don't buy it, you will have a disaster."

"The medicine can be delivered for free, but you have to donate some incense to worship the money." ...

In order to make the elderly willingly "pay", the reasons compiled by the scammers are all overwhelmed, and the words are even more small.

Some elderly people believed that they took the initiative to pay for the medicine. However, these "medicines" are expensive and generally start thousands of yuan.

"We found in the process of handling the case that many fraud have been available many years ago, but the old tricks will still be fooled." Police handling the case introduced to reporters that some scammers "performance" is good, and several orders can be made in one day. Business".

This scam gang is very cunning, often "hitting a shot and changing a place", and it will not be more than half a month in a place.

"If the" business' is not good, stay for three or five days, if the people in a certain place are "cheated", you can cheat a wave every two or three months or even the next year. "After being captured by the public security The suspect Yang explained.

Thinking about it is their crime copy mode. "They have a relatively stable" Old Belt and New "model. One of the people in the gang is proficient in fraud and words, and will pull new people to reorganize new gangs and continue to carry out fraud." The police handling the case said that these people said that these people wandered in society. There is no serious work, scamming during the day, gambling at night, and living this year.

Thousands of victims have only one person calling the police

Since 2020, the fraud gang has flowed to more than 100 cities in 20 provinces, and has implemented thousands of fraud crimes in the same case.

According to Huang Tengfei, deputy instructor of the Chengdong Professional Performance of the Public Security Bureau of Zhuji, most of them are middle -aged and elderly people over 50 years old.

As of now, more than 20 criminal suspects of the fraud gang have been taken criminal measures.

"There are thousands of victims, but only one of them reports the police." When handling the case, the police handling the case bluntly said that the most important problem was that the victim was difficult to find. After flowing water, some victims were found, but except for the first victim reported the case, most people chose to be silent after being deceived. "

Police analysis, on the one hand, the reason is the psychological tactics of the scammers. They will deliberately instruct the victim when buying the medicine, "This incident cannot be told others, otherwise the fortune in the family will be worse." On the other hand It is useless, these scammers cannot be found; and the victims are worried about being blamed by their children, and they are afraid of their children to worry about their safety, and so on.

The case is still under investigation.The public security organs remind everyone that to obtain scientific health knowledge from regular channels, do not trust the so -called "magic medicine" and "artifact" to drive disease and evil, to increase their vigilance.Children must usually popularize the knowledge of relevant elderly care and scams for the elderly in the family. If you find similar situations to this case, please call the police immediately.

In addition, Zhejiang will make every effort to promote the crackdown on illegal crimes, continue to do clue collection and verification, focus on rectifying hidden dangers of pension fraud, further increase publicity, and carry out in -depth supervision and supervision to ensure that special actions have achieved greater results.

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