Daqing Public Security carried out the "oil protection" assault operation of oil -related crimes to collect 78.46 tons of crude oil

Author:Heilongjiang.com Time:2022.07.11

Heilongjiang Net News (Reporter Shi Yansong) On July 4, the Daqing Public Security Bureau and the Oilfield Company launched a series of assault operations in the "oil protection" series of oil -related crimes. Up to now, the city has cracked 6 criminal cases of oil fields, 15 suspects of oil -related criminals have been captured, and 78.46 tons of crude oil are collected, and more than 17,000 yuan in economic losses for enterprises.

From July 4th to July 6th, the city's public security organs joint enterprise defense departments dispatched more than 500 police forces and more than 200 vehicles, and carried out nearly a hundred oil -related areas to investigate and rectify the environment, and fully purified the public security environment of the oil area. On July 4th, during the inspection and rectification work, the Linkian County Bureau found out 1 illegal oil hoarding point in a vacant courtyard in Qixin Village, Garden Town, and collected about 5 tons of crude oil on the spot. On July 5th, Honggang Branch and the Security Department of the Fourth Factory of the Oil Piciation Plant carried out the rectification work in key areas and parts, and found 1 illegal oil hoarding point in Jinshanbao Village, Xingshugang Town, and collected 1.2 tons of crude oil on the spot. 1; Datong Branch and the Security Department of the Five Plant and the Eighth Factory of the Oil Piciation Plant to conduct inspections and rectification work, and successively discovered 1 illegal oil hoarding point in Laoshantou Township. See 1 oil -related sedan; Durbert County Bureau and the Security Department of the Nine Factory of the Oil Piciation of the Oil Piciation of the Oil Seals of the Oil and Rectification work were checked in the town of Laha Town and collected 1 small oil refining tank. On July 6, the Oilfield Defense Detachment jointly carried out the inspection and rectification operations in conjunction with the Four Factory of the Oil Picination. Taiwan, collected more than 7 tons of stolen crude oil; the Wedeon Branch and the Second Factory of the Second Factory of the Oil Piciation Plant carried out an inspection and rectification operation. One of the illegal oil hoarding points was found next to the tree belt in Xingshuang Town, Honggang District, and 3 crude oil was collected on the spot.

Comprehensively carry out dynamic patrol prevention and control. From July 4th to July 6th, the city's public security organs joint enterprise defense departments dispatched more than 600 police forces and more than 300 vehicles to carry out 90 key areas of oil -related areas and road patrol prevention and control. crime. In the past three days, through dynamic patrols, a total of 1 current oil -related crime has been arrested in the city, and 18 oil -related vehicles are seized. On the evening of July 5th, during the dynamic patrol work of the high -tech zone and branch bureaus, one of the illegal oil hoarding points was found on the east side of the Jingyuan Cemetery, 5.7 tons of crude oil were collected on the spot, and 2 oil -related vehicles were seized. On July 6, during the patrol work of the Longfeng Branch to carry out key areas, one place was discovered next to the Longfeng Cemetery, and about 1 tons of crude oil was collected on the spot.

From July 4th to July 6th, the city's public security organs joint enterprise defense departments dispatched more than 400 police forces and more than 200 vehicles. Strong sound, effectively deterring crude oil. On July 6, when the Lama Dadian Branch and the Sixth Factory's Six Factory's security department carried out a card inspection at the Six Factory Inspection Station, he intercepted 1 illegal pulling crude oil car (the driver abandoned the car and escaped), and 0.6 tons of crude oil was obtained from the car.

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