Zhu Wei, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the "Deyang" Municipal People's Congress, went to Zhongjiang to investigate the implementation of the "Taiwan Compatriots Investment Protection Law"

Author:Tongxin Sichuan Time:2022.07.11

On July 7, Zhu Wei, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, and his party went to Kunda Electronics Co., Ltd., Yongde Electronics Co., Ltd., and Fuyu composite restaurants to carry out the city's implementation of the new revised "Taiwan Compatriots Investment Protection Law". And Taiwan -funded enterprises presented Taiwan -related laws and regulations and policy promotion materials. Zeng Rong, Executive Deputy Minister of the United Front Work Department of the Deyang Municipal Party Committee, director of the Municipal Taiwan Office, and director of the Municipal Overseas Chinese Affairs Office, Xie Jinhui, deputy minister of the United Front Work Department of the Municipal Party Committee, Secretary of the Municipal Overseas Chinese Federation Party Group, Qiu Chuang, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of Zhongjiang County People's Congress, Deputy Minister of the County Party Committee of the County Party Committee The director Huang Xing and others accompanied the investigation.

In the investigation team in detail, the research team learned in detail the production and operation of the enterprise under the prevention and control of the normalization epidemic, the implementation of the "Taiwan Compatriots Investment and Protection Law", the implementation of the policy measures of the China City Huitaihui to stabilize the enterprise, and As well as the situation of government departments, inquire the difficulties and problems encountered by the enterprise, listen to the opinions and suggestions of Taiwanese businessmen, and conduct discussions with the person in charge of the Zhongjiang Economic Science and Technology Bureau reflected by Yongde Electronics Company. Zhu Wei said that the purpose of this special investigation of the Municipal People's Congress was to supervise government departments to implement the "Taiwan Compatriots Investment Protection Law", safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Taiwan and Taiwan -funded enterprises, and help enterprises to coordinate and solve practical difficulties. He hopes that Taiwan -funded enterprises should strengthen their confidence in the development of the mainland, actively research and analyze the development trend of the market, take the economic dynamic changes, stabilize the opportunity to recover, increase automation transformation, further enhance the market share of the main product market, and achieve healthy and stable development.

In the Fuchu -Chongqing composite restaurant, Chen Jianren, the person in charge of the company, introduced the situation of restaurant operations, entrepreneurial experience in Deyang, and enjoying preferential policies, rights protection of rights and interests to the research team. In the conversation between Chen Jianren, Chen Jianren and his father, Chen Heshi, in Taiwan, Zhu Wei highly evaluated the design concepts and business modes of the Yiyu composite restaurant, encouraged Chen Jianren to continue to develop food products with cross -strait tastes, broaden the market in the field of cultural tourism, and hope that he Give full play to the role of the vice chairman of the Municipal Taiwan -funded Enterprise Association, and lead more confidence in the development of Deyang to strengthen the development of Deyang.

(Contribution of the United Front Work Department of the Deyang Municipal Party Committee)

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