World Population Day I created a harmonious and happy family to promote the long -term balanced development -Shenzhen Family Planning Association does this

Author:China Family Planning Associat Time:2022.07.11

July 11th is the theme of my country on the 33rd World Population Day this year: Life is supreme, guarding the future

The fertility policy includes two aspects: "birth" and "education". Entering the "three -child era", in the face of the general publicity of the public, how can the Family Planning Association take the initiative to act in the construction of new fertility culture? How to successfully transform in the new situation?

In recent years, the Shenzhen Family Planning Association has been "breaking the question" with the reform of the six major tasks (promoting education, reproductive health consulting services, guidance of eugenics, family planning family assistance, rights and interests, and family health promotion). In terms of special families and the "one old and one small" service and family health promotion, a series of innovative explorations have been carried out to achieve positive results.

Li Honglian, the full -time vice president of Shenzhen Family Planning Association, said that the Family Planning Association is the party's group organization and assumes important mission. It is necessary to propagate the masses to better create a harmonious and happy family and better help promote the long -term balanced development of the population.

"Three -pronged approach" develops family health promotion

In the second batch of Healthy China Action Committee's second batch of Healthy China Actions Promoting Regional Experience Cases announced, the "Community" Small Position "of the Shenzhen Family Planning Association helps grassroots health governance" big articles "cases from 185 experience cases across the country from all over the country Standing out of China, it became one of the typical experience cases of 32 healthy China Actions to promote regional experience and promoted to the country.

Under the guidance of the National and Provincial Family Planning Association, with the support of the Municipal Health and Health Commission, Shenzhen Family Planning Association focuses on "playing the foundation, long -term, promoting development", building brand positions, forging brand teachers, and building brand activities "three -tube approach approach approach". "Carry out family health promotion actions and build a new brand of associations.

The construction of the "last mile" propaganda service position of the grass -roots family planning association is the basis for promoting the career of the family's health. The Shenzhen Family Planning Association promotes the transformation of the position, with the models of "new positions", "transformation of fertility culture centers", "integration into the street public cultural complex", "integration into the social health center" and "integration into the party and mass service center". indivual. These family hair centers spread all over the various communities, with the "seven promotion" of scientific parenting, adolescent health, family health, reproductive health, pension care, family culture, and happy families. In the consultation room, health lecture hall, Yi Yangtang and other functional areas, residents can independently serve "ordering", and at the same time actively connect with resources such as public health, maternal and child health care, and care for the care of young care for the health community.

The cultivation of a group of brand teachers is the key to the promotion of family health promotion. The first is to cultivate good health instructors and promote healthy growth of children. The Municipal Family Planning Association has formulated the "Administrative Measures for Happiness Online Teachers", brewing the selection mechanism, forming long -term management, and has trained 129 teachers. The second is to cultivate youth and health teachers and promote the healthy growth of young people. The "TV Draft" is widely accepted by talents, and teaching practice is refined. The city receives nearly 100,000 youth health education adolescents each year. The third is to cultivate family health instructors and promote the comprehensive health of family members. The Municipal Family Planning Association plans to implement the deployment of the Provincial Family Planning Association in accordance with the requirements of the Chinese Family Planning Association's textbooks, and conduct training pilot cooperation with the municipal health capacity building and continuing education center, social training institution, and grass -roots family planning associations to explore the professional service team of the community home hair center Construction work.

Establishing brand activities is an important starting point for doing a good job in promoting the cause. The Shenzhen Family Planning Association has created brand projects such as the "National Fitness Life Law", "Bringing Health", "Happy Healthy Family Creation", and "Family Family Insurance Insurance" and other brand projects, which has become a reputation of public opinion.

Online and offline innovation eugenics and eugenics service services

Under the guidance of the China Family Planning Association and the Guangdong Family Planning Association, the Shenzhen Family Planning Association focused on the key difficulties and difficulties of eugenics and excellence. Guide the city's family planning associations at all levels to strive to explore new ideas and new directions, and achieve good results in eugenics and eugenics.

In Tencent Class, there is a course called "Kiss Shenzhen · Happiness Online". The hundreds of courses cover the pre -pregnancy couple's emotion, pregnancy nutrition, newborn care, and scientific nursery of infants 0 to 3 years old. This is the Gongsheng Excellent Book Brand Course created by the Shenzhen Family Planning Association since June 2020. Invited parenting experts and good health teachers, we discussed the nursery planning plan for infants and young children, formulated six major modules including language, exercise, emotion, diet, sleep, and safety, and created six major parent -child raising courses and parent education courses. The online and offline activity model, the cross -industry and cross -sectoral teachers, covering the course catalog of the full cycle subject of life, "pro -Shenzhen · Happiness Online" has gained a large number of citizens fans.

In the Fuzhong community of Lianhua Street, there is a pilot of Futian District, "China Family Planning Association Outstanding Entry Book Guidance Center" to create three major spaces of dreaming, building dreams, and dreaming of dreams. Interactive parenting courses, and through interactive exchanges of WeChat groups, case consulting, online questioning, parent volunteer services, etc., provide eugenics services for newlyweds, maternals, infants and young children. At the National Education Trust Center of Longhua District, there is also a "China Family Planning Association Infant Care Service Demonstration Creation Project", which provides infant care services, scientific parenting and care guidance to meet the different needs of infant families in the area. It is reported that Shenzhen has established 260 of various positions and guidance of various positions in Shenzhen, with thousands of grades of eugenics and excellent breeding activities each year, and nearly 200,000 citizens are covered offline. In particular, under the leadership of the China Family Planning Association Demonstration Base, it has promoted the overall level of work level of the city's eugenics and good health. Aiming at the "pain point" of eugenics and eugenics work, the Shenzhen Family Planning Association also explored multiple pilot work: for the "infertility" problem, carry out "Shenzhen Happy Project Family Planning Family Renewal Auxiliary Project"; "The topic, undertake the national pilot to explore the guidance model and content of urban family scientific parenting households; explore the construction of infant care service systems for the problem of" education difficulties ".

Family planning special family assistance to be pragmatic and careless

The Shenzhen Family Planning Association has a multi -channel assistant family family special family, reflecting the government's warmth.

Economic assistance. Carry out the "spring breeze and warmth" and holiday condolences every year, condolences to family planning difficulties and special families. Each person enjoys a monthly support for the special family of family planning. subsidy.

Life assistance. Provide 8 -hour housekeeping services for special family family planning families in the city, and investigate the number and status quo of the 60 -year -old and above elderly people. Luohu District issued the "Guidelines for the Work of Family Family Family Assistance Projects".

Psychological assistance. From 2020 to 2022, Luohu District, Shenzhen, Nanyuan Street, Futian District, and Shatou Street, Futian District were listed as the national "warm heart home" project point in turn. "The three people and 1 team were rated as" the star of heartwarming ".

Medical care help. The signing rate of family doctors in the family planning special family reached 93.7%, and a total of 2909 cards were issued. The city's designated medical institutions increased to 42, and last year's green channel services were 1290.

Cultural assistance. Gift newspapers, printed moss flower notebooks, and family planning associations at all levels held 301 care activities in 2021, benefiting 5851 people.

Legal help. Provide free legal aid and consulting services, explore a number of services such as inspection of guardianships, desires of life, and life -free aspirations.

The Shenzhen Family Planning Association also expanded the scope of insurance insurance. In 2021, the family -based family accident insurance project and family planning special family insurance project were actively implemented in Shenzhen. Start the special family planning special family intent monitoring legal aid project, organize a contact training course for contacts, and invite professional lawyers team and the Chinese wills volunteer volunteers to provide free consulting services.

The population situation has changed in the new period, and new tasks are facing new tasks in the new period. Li Honglian, the full -time vice president of Shenzhen Family Planning Association, pointed out that the family planning associations at all levels must step up the implementation of various aspects of inclusive care, eugenics, wedding education culture, and family planning families.

It is reported that this year, the Shenzhen Family Planning Association will continue to promote the reform of the city's family planning association, promote the construction of the "three" teams such as cadres, fertility care volunteers, and part -time cadres of the corporate family planning association of the district and street community family planning associations. Special family assistance projects, promote the "five -entry" project of youth and health, create a "happiness online" public welfare brand, and continue to do a good job of family planning family insurance protection work.

Laiyuan: Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Digital Post

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