The exhibition period of bank claims is 20 years?Do not pay interest in the first 10 years?Zunyi Daoqiao responds so

Author:Economic Observer Time:2022.07.11

Relevant sources of Zunyi Daoqiao Financing Department said that during the process of promoting debt reorganization, Zunyi Daoqiao conducted the principal exhibition period of bank creditors, and the period was postponed to 20 years.

Author: Cai Yuekun

Figure: Tuwa Creative


One || The plan of Zunyi Daoqiao Bridge is a plan to implement Guizhou Province for financial institutions, but Zunyi Daoqiao is a pilot platform to resolve debt.

, || On July 6th, according to the official Wei of Zunyi Daoqiao Group, Daoliao Group held a debt risk prevention and production and operation dispatch meeting in the second half of 2022. The meeting pointed out that debt risks are still the current first subject of Daoqiao and the biggest obstacle to production development. High -quality development is better.

Three || Relevant persons of Zunyi Daoqiao Financing Department said that the establishment of a bank debt resolution plan is a good thing for Zunyi Daoqiao. By helping Zunyi Daoqiao to prevent resolving financial risks by helping the financial institution, the repayment period Extend, exchange time for development space.

Recently, a debt resolution plan during the debt restructuring process of Zunyi Daoqiao Construction (Group) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Zunyi Daoqiao") is a rumor of the unified exhibition of bank debt -type debt and not paying interest in the first 10 years. It caused a stir.

In response, the relevant person from the Zunyi Daoqiao Financing Department responded to reporters on July 11 that Zunyi Daoqiao conducted the principal exhibition period of bank creditors during the promotion of debt restructuring, and the period was postponed to 20 years. For example, the loan period with a bank was delayed for 10 years, and the cumulative extension to 20 years was extended.

Delayed to 20 years

The person said that bank creditors include: branches of workers and peasants, as well as Guiyang Bank. The exhibition plan shall sign the debt restructuring agreement with the head office of various banks. In the process of talking, it is not for mandatory talks with financial institutions.

The person said that interest will always be paid during the extension and pays every year. However, after the exhibition period, the interest was reduced significantly, and the interest paid to the bank before the exhibition period was about 4%-7%; after the exhibition period, the interest basically mentioned more than 3%; and it signed a debt restructuring agreement with the bank. The plan of Zunyi Daoqiao Bridge is a plan to implement Guizhou Province on financial institutions, but Zunyi Daoqiao is a pilot platform to resolve debt.

The person also explained to reporters that for non -standard debt, a complete mature debt plan has not yet been formed, but it is only communicating with individual institutions. Because non -standard debts are not like bank loans, the source of funds behind is different. If the non -standard debt corresponds to a single commissioned funds, one or two of the qualified periods are communicating the exhibition period. At present, the non -standard has not fully launched the exhibition conditions. However, for collective funds, you will find a way to raise funds for repayment.

In addition, the person also introduced that there are several prerequisites during the exhibition period with financial institutions: no loan, continuous loan, and not surrendering credit. Under the premise, we will talk about debt reorganization with bank financial institutions.

It is reported that Zunyi Daoqiao is one of the main body of the construction and infrastructure construction of Zunyi City, and has a number of engineering construction -related qualifications. As of 2021, the company's total assets were 170.445 billion yuan, total debt was 62.151 billion yuan, and the asset -liability ratio was 50.90%. Its controlling shareholder is still the State -owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Zunyi City, with a shareholding of 100%. The actual controller is still the people's government of Zunyi City.

Construction of debt risk prevention dispatch meetings

On July 6, according to the official Wei of Zunyi Daoqiao Group, the Daqiao Group held a debt risk prevention and production and operation dispatch meeting in the second half of 2022. Among them, in the first half of 2022, the group company closely focused on various tasks of "explosion -proof thunder, grasping reform, promoting development, and keeping the bottom line", which stabilized the basic market for survival and development.

The meeting pointed out that debt risks are still the current first subject of Daoqiao and the biggest obstacle to production development. High -quality development is better. To correctly understand "near" and "far". Overall the debt risk prevention work in the third quarter and the second half of the year, seize the Document No. 2 and the State Council's stable economic policy measures, continue to consolidate bank debt reorganization, accelerate the reorganization of non -standard debt, strive to borrow new and old, do a good job of doing it, do a good job Localized debt, resource activation, project planning and other related work.

On the afternoon of July 11, the reporter found that Zunyi Daoqiao officials deleted the article.

The reporter has repeatedly dialed the official contact information of Zunyi Daoqiao. As of press time, it has not been connected.

On June 29, China Securities Pengyuan Credit Evaluation Co., Ltd. issued Zunyi Daoqiao Company Bonds 2022 follow -up rating report and pointed out that Zunyi Daoqiao is currently facing great short -term debt repayment pressure. At the end of 2021, the company's total debt scale reached 62.151 billion yuan, an increase of 16.18%year -on -year, accounting for 72%of the total liabilities, of which short -term debt accounted for 51%of the total debt. Interest guarantee multiples continue at low levels.

In addition, the report states that there is a large risk of guarantee compensation in Zunyi Daoqiao. As of the end of 2021, the company's external guarantee amount totaling was 17.365 billion yuan, a large scale, accounting for 20.75%of the current net assets. The guarantee target involved private enterprises, and some of the guarantee debt had already suffered litigation disputes. The report also pointed out that there is more information on the executing person in Zunyi Daoqiao. As of June 27, 2022, the company had a total of 119 pieces of information, most of which were newly added since 2021, with a total of 5.236 billion yuan.

Zunyi Establishing Financial Work Leading Group

Prior to this, the reporter noticed that the Zunyi Municipal People's Government issued the "Notice on the Establishment of the Zunyi City Financial Work Leading Group" (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice").

The "Notice" pointed out that in order to effectively strengthen the leadership of the city's financial work, comprehensively implement the three major tasks of financial services, prevent and control financial risks, and deepen financial reforms, and provide strong financial support for the high -quality development of the city's economic and society. The people's government agreed to decide to establish the Zunyi City Financial Work Leading Group.

According to reports, members of the working leadership group cover members of the government functional departments of all sizes of Zunyi City, which aims to effectively strengthen the leadership of financial work in the city, comprehensively implement the three major tasks of financial services, prevent and control financial risks, and deepen financial reform.

In addition, the "Notice" introduces that the leading group is responsible for coordinating and solving major issues related to financial work; the establishment of policy coordination mechanisms such as fiscal, tax finance, and other policy coordination mechanisms to promote the formation of a good financial development environment; Responsibilities of financial risk prevention and disposal.

The "Notice" also pointed out that in accordance with the banking and insurance industry financial institutions, actively participated in the resolution of the government's hidden debt and maintained the local financial ecological environment; increased credit investment, service to support the city's "four modernizations" construction, key industries, and improved Serve private and small and medium -sized micro -efficiency, reduce the actual loan interest rate; strengthen the innovation of financial products and service methods, reduce service rates, and improve service capabilities.

Among them, the project financing team's responsibilities mentioned that "promoting a series of exhibition reorganizations and coordinating the development of various market entities, non -standard debt exhibition, reorganization, and interest rate cuts."

China Integrity International stated that the establishment of the financial work leadership group in Zunyi was in line with the tone of the No. 2 Cultural Treasure of the National Fa at the beginning of the year. Under the premise of debt, the financing platform company allows financing platform companies to negotiate with financial institutions to adopt appropriate exhibition period and debt restructuring to maintain capital turnover with financial institutions. "

China Integrity International also pointed out that in the first half of the year, Guizhou Province had taken action on government debt risks, and the exhibition period and debt reorganization of the urban investment platform were gradually promoted. At the end of May, Guizhou's financial system implemented the implementation of the national issues of the No. 2 document 2 of the document 2 of Guofa. The Guiyang Branch of Minsheng Bank conducted a periodic extension of 18 pens and 9.185 billion yuan in political and credit asset business. CITIC Bank Guiyang Branch promoted the debt reorganization of Zunyi Daoqiao Group. Considering that the rating of many urban investment platforms in Zunyi in the near future has been lowered, the reason for the relegation includes the company's short -term debt repayment pressure, the weak business sustainability, the risk of recovery of accounts receivable, the weak asset liquidity, the performers of past debt, and the guarantee compensation compensation. , The short -term local urban investment platform has a lot of pressure on the liquidity of the debt, and it is necessary to pay attention to the risk of the exhibition period of the tail urban investment debt.

Guofa No. 2 Guidelines

Regarding the exhibition period with financial institutions, the above -mentioned relevant persons of the Zunyi Daoqiao Financing Department also said that after the release of Circular No. 2 of Guofa in the first half of 2022, the debt resolution of Zunyi Daoqiao was coordinated to communicate with financial institutions.

It is reported that on January 26, 2022, the State Council issued the "Opinions on Supporting Guizhou in the Western Development of the New Era" (hereinafter referred to as "Guofa No. 2").

Guofa No. 2 includes nine aspects and 32nds, pointing out that Guizhou's development faces some outstanding difficulties and problems, but gives Guizhou a high strategic positioning, proposed long -term development goals, and formulated a series of development guidance. And clarify relevant guarantee measures.

Among them, Article 29 explicitly pointed out how Guizhou prevents the risk of debt to resolve debts: On the premise of implementing local government debt liability and non -new local government's hidden debt, the financing platform company allows financing platform companies to meet eligible hidden debt, Consultation with financial institutions adopt appropriate exhibition period and debt reorganization to maintain capital turnover.

The above -mentioned relevant person from the Zunyi Daoqiao Financing Department told reporters that Zunyi Daoqiao was a pilot enterprise for the pilot project of Guizhou Province to resolve platform debt after the release of Circular 2. The process of resolving the debt of other urban investment platforms is slightly slower, but in the process of resolving debts, it will definitely respect the market objective principles to talk with various financial institutions to prevent systematic financial risks.

On July 11, a non -standard creditors of Zunyi Daoqiao told reporters that the coordination period of Zunyi Daoqiao and financial institutions was conducted in the context of Circular 2 of Guofa. Therefore, bank financial institutions were It will be relatively smooth.

The above -mentioned relevant person from the Zunyi Daoqiao Financing Department said that the establishment of the bank debt resolution plan is a good thing for Zunyi Daoqiao. It helps Zunyi Daoqiao to prevent resolving financial risks by helping the financial institution at the level of financial institutions and lengthen the repayment period., Time in exchange for development space.However, the non -standard creditors said that the debt period of Zunyi Daoqiao Bank's debt is 20 years, and the exhibition period is too long, which will make financial market investors pay more attention to the credit risk of urban investment in Zunyi area, and may cause no institution to dare to go to this again.Regional urban investment platform lending.Therefore, the exhibition period may also be a "double -edged sword" for urban investment in Zunyi.

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