Gathering power, strong core!Luo Ding embedded the party building into the whole process of developm

Author:Luoding City Rong Media Center Time:2022.06.14

With the development and improvement of the social and economic structure, the new economic organization and the new social organization (hereinafter referred to as the "two new organizations) are giving out unprecedented vitality. How to build party organizations on the industrial chain, in the community, beading into a chain, and transform the organization's advantages into development advantages and governance advantages?

In recent years, Luoding has aims to continue to enhance the political functions and organizational cohesion of the "two new" party organizations, focusing on focusing on focusing on the establishment of the focus, the strong foundation of the weaknesses, and the strong carrier of the integration. Luo Ding experience with quality.

Organize the history of party organizations of party organizations to learn party history

Pay attention to focusing on the establishment of the key points and improve the quality of the "two coverage"

Luo Ding used the expansion of "two coverage" as the main theme of the "two new" party building to achieve the "two new" party organizations and quality "double improvement".

Carry out the "two new" organizations and the "dual synchronization" of the number of organizations and organizations to accurately promote the party's organizational coverage and work coverage. First of all, the comprehensive visits of more than 300 target companies have been completed, and a clear party building account has been established to achieve "a mature one and one of one". Secondly, adhere to the "grasping big belt", formulate party building combat tables for large -scale "five types of enterprises", implement work measures one by one, and dynamically follow up and supervise every month. At present, 25 five -type enterprises have established party organizations.

Create the public welfare class of Tongjiang Emerald City

Luo Ding also combined with the characteristics of the community and innovative thinking to create a series of grass -roots party building service brands. For example, in order to deepen the work of "red property" and take the opportunity to carry out the "100 -day tackling operation" of party building in the residential community, the party branch is established in 10 large residential communities, including 10 large residential communities, including the Splendid Jiangnan Community. Leited by the Party Branch of the Community to build a platform for negotiations such as "Weekend Council" and "Civil sentiment talks", and mobilize residents to participate in the formulation and practice of residents' conventions and community conventions. Effectively solve the outstanding problems of community governance and improve the living standards of the masses.

Among them, the vast properties of the Qiangjiang Emerald City Community were designated as pilot units in the province's "red property" in 2021.

Luo Ding also focuses on the demonstration leading role of party building in characteristic industries. Combining the needs of the city's entire towns to promote the needs of special industries such as southern medicine, rice, and Luozhu, the towns (streets) have deeply figured out the bottom number, focusing on the leading guidance, key cultivation, and service of the industry leaders to ensure that the party organization takes root. At present, 6 characteristic party branches including Bai Caoyuan Seed Professional Cooperative have been established.

Establish a party and mass service center of Luoding Industrial Transfer Industrial Park to serve the party members and employees of the park

Pay attention to the strong foundation of weaknesses and improve work management efficiency

Fill in the "blank spots" of the party building in the park. Luo Ding Industrial Transfer Industrial Park is a provincial -level industrial transfer industrial park with 6 party branches, but does not establish a party committee. At the end of last year, coordinating the Shuangdong Street Party Working Committee and the Park Service Center, the establishment of the company's party committee of the Luoding Industrial Transfer Industrial Park to build a three -level party building management system for the "Park Party Committee -Street Party Working Committee -Enterprise Party Organization", from organizational structure, responsibility Division of labor and daily management clarify the relationship, and strengthen the overall planning and leading power of the party building in the park. The service position was built, the organization was built, the party members moved, and the party flag floated.

Yada Party Committee organizes party members to visit Changgangpo's party member education base

The construction of the "two new" party organizations must be effective, and "standardization" is important.

Luo Ding strengthens the "basic point" of standardized construction, and promotes the standardization of hardware, systems, and processing processes in the city's "two new" party organizations. The new party branches averaged 3,000 to 4,000 yuan of startup funds to build party building positions at the "Six You" standards. The party (worker) committee is used as the "two new" party organizations to standardize the construction of "monthly rehearsal, quarterly analysis, and annual summary" to effectively rectify issues such as party organizations that have not re -renewal and "three meetings and one lesson".

Strengthen the "critical point" of assistance to build. On the streets of Affiliated City, leading cadres' on -site services, front -line office, and strengthened scheduling, coordinated the coordination of industrial enterprises above the designated size and 12 key projects to solve the various difficulties and problems encountered in the project promotion, ensure that the company's capital increase and expand the production, and focus on The project is promoted in an orderly manner. This is a "three contacts" activity in the city and town (street) teams. The vivid practice of linking key enterprises and projects is linked. Luo Ding actively coordinated the service support for enterprises to provide policies, funds and talents to solve practical difficulties.

Baicaoyuan Party Branch studied southern medicine breeding at the group training center

Pay attention to the strong carrier of integration and enhance the core leading role

The entire process and aspects of party building organic embedded enterprise production management will give play to the political core of the "two new" party organizations and promote the healthy development of the enterprise.

Employees of Yili Pharmaceutical Company work overtime to produce epidemic prevention and control medicine

Leading party members to show their skills on the front line of production with "Party Member Demonstrations+production front lines". Enrich the carrier of party membership responsibility and party members' pioneers, and give full play to the role of party members and talents in major enterprise projects, technical research, and production of front lines. In Yilibin Pharmaceutical, each workshop has set up party members' demonstration posts, and party members will lead employees to fight efficiently to ensure that the production tasks of epidemic prevention drugs are completed smoothly. According to statistics, last year, Banlangen and Huoxiangzhengqi Water 62.1 million bags/support was produced.

The responsibility zone of the party member of the Yinxin helps enterprise development

At the Luo Ding Vocational and Technical College and the Technical School, 11 recruitment specially resolved the company's "labor shortage" and promoted the employment of students. Such "school -enterprise cooperation" is increasing in Luo Ding.

With "school -enterprise cooperation+dual training and dual push", it provides talent support for enterprises. Implement the "double training and dual push" mechanism, recommend the person in charge of the enterprise as the secretary of the company's party organization, and recommend the company's party members as the backbone of production and operation. The Microbia Electronics Party Branch has set up a doctoral party group in key positions to strengthen technical research to ensure that party members have positions. When you come to Liangguan Village, Pingtang Town, the high -quality agricultural tourism bases co -created by the local and Haihui Ecological Agricultural Corporation have been seen. At present, 106 people have contracted planting vegetables in the park, with an annual per capita income of 15,000 yuan. Radiation drives more than 5,000 acres of vegetables for more than 1,000 households.

The Luo Ding Women's Federation carried out condolences in the park to condolences to foreign migrant workers' activities

The construction of this base is the actual achievement of the party branch of Haihui Ecological Agricultural Corporation and the Party Branch of Liangguan Village. practice.

With the aggregation of party building, the development of party building is promoted. At present, Luo Dingzheng focuses on complementary advantages and industrial development, explore the co -construction of village -level party organizations and corporate party organizations, accelerate land transfer, and guide talents, funds and technology to gather in rural areas.

Source | South+

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