The United Nations: India's population will exceed China next year, becoming the world's first largest country

Author:Global Times Time:2022.07.12

[Global Times Comprehensive Report] The 11th is the World Population Day. The Ministry of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations released the "World Population Outlook 2022" report that day, and the global population is expected to exceed the 8 billion mark by the end of this year. It is particularly concerned about public opinion that India will surpass China for the first time in 2023 and become the world's first great population.

According to the latest news of the United Nations website, the United Nations Secretary -General Gutres personally released the "congratulatory message" for the world's "breaking 8 billion" incident. He said that the growth of the population not only promotes the diversification of the world, but also fully shows that the progress of the medical system has boosted the average life expectancy of human beings and reducing the mortality rate of maternal and infants. It is worth celebrating. However, he also called on crisis in crisis due to the new crown pneumonia's epidemic, climate change, humanitarian crisis, and hunger and poverty, and people need to bear the common responsibility of defending the earth. He said that the focus of the international community should always be flesh and blood, not a digital record.

According to the latest report, the global population "Breaking 8 billion anniversary" may occur around November 15 this year. Based on the current development rate, the world population will reach 8.5 billion in 2030, 9.7 billion in 2050, and 10.4 billion people in 2100. As one of the world's most large population countries, the report is expected to surpass China in 2023, and in the next decades, it will be the first in the world. As of 2050, the Indian national population may reach 1.668 billion, and the Chinese population will be about 1.317 billion. The news was reposted by Indian media such as the Hinduist, but Indian netizens did not catch a cold about this. Some people left a message saying: "The population exceeds others, but the land area is only one -third of others. As for the economy ..." There are still many netizens who strongly call on the government to "control the growth of the population." Tired but not bonus. The report also reminded that the global population growth is currently due to factors such as the decline in mortality and the average life expectancy of the population. On the other hand, the global population birth rate showed a decline. The global population growth rate in 2020 was less than 1%, setting the lowest record since 1950. It is expected that aging society will become prominent issues in many countries in the future. The report also mentioned that the global population growth will show significant regional imbalance in the future. (Liu Haoran)

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