The Human Resources and Social Affairs Department of Hunan Province opened a Chinese class class to accompany the children to spend the summer vacation happily

Author:China Renmin Socialary Media Time:2022.07.12

To solve difficult things for cadres and employees

The Human Resources and Social Affairs Department of Hunan Province opened a Chinese class class to accompany the children to spend the summer vacation happily

(Tang Baiyu, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Department of the Department, gave the flag to the summer camp)

The summer vacation is here, and the child custody problem is difficult. 7月11日,湖南省人社厅2022年度干部职工子女暑期夏令营暨爱心托管班正式开营,为干部职工解决照顾孩子的后顾之忧。 Tang Baiyu, secretary of the party group and director of the department, awarded the flag to the summer camp and announced the opening of the camp.

(Take a group photo with the children and parents who participated in the event)

The opening of the summer summer camp (caring custody) is the vivid practice of the construction of the “five -class double first -class" organs of the "Five Type Double -first -class" agencies. On the basis of successfully launching the first phase of the children's and staff children's summer camps last year, this year, after careful preparation organization, it opened for two periods for children and children aged 5-12 for 20 days, with 34 students each. In this summer camp (custody class), tailor -made high -quality Chinese courses such as calligraphy, Chinese painting, Chinese martial arts, and outdoor research experiences for the children. Learn in happiness, grow in happiness, and have an unforgettable summer vacation in happiness.

(Open ceremony)

(Lesson first class)

(Self introduction)

(Learn writing brush)

(listen carefully)

Source: China Renxian Media

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