Xi'an has 3 more risk areas to be downgraded!One picture understands the history of mutation of new crown strains

Author:Health Shaanxi Release Time:2022.07.12

From 18:00 on July 11th

3 risk areas in Xi'an downgraded

According to the analysis of the situation of the epidemic situation, according to the "New Coronatte Pneumonia Pneumonia Prevention and Control Plan (Ninth Edition)" on the Risk Zone Lift Standard, the Research Decision on the Prevention and Control Headquarters in Xi'an From time to time, the first phase of the Aerospace Community of the Aerospace Base (including the street shop) from the high -risk zone to the mid -risk zone, the AbAC base agricultural bank community and the Qujiang Jinhui Primary School in the Qujiang New Area, Qujiang New District The downgrade is a low -risk zone. The risk levels of other regional regional are unchanged.

After the adjustment, there are 6 high -risk zones in Xi'an, 8 medium -risk zones, and 7 districts in Chang'an District, Qujiang New District, International Port Area, Yanta District, Aerospace Base, Ecological Zone, High -tech Zone ( Development zone) In addition to the high risk zone, it is a low risk zone.

1. 6 high -risk zone

1. High -tech Zone Daiba Street Fenglin Oasis Community, Wanda Tianyu Phase 1, Building 1, No. 1

2. Jinhui Community Jinhui World City Community C District C District C District C District C District C

3. Qujiang New District Longyou Bei Road Community Vanke Emerald International City East District

4. Qujiang New District Qujiang Xiangdu Community Tiandi Yuanyuanjiang Xiangdu Community

5. Yanta District, Changyanbao Street, Qingsong Road Community, Xi'an 46 Middle School Sinicap

6. Langhuang, Guangyuntan West Road Community, Ecological Area, Longhuyuan, Yuanyuanyuan

2. 8 Central Risk Zone

1. Aerospace Base Shangyuan County Community Aerospace Xinjiayuan Phase 1 (including Linjie Shop)

2. High -tech Zone Daiba Street Fenglin Oasis Community Wanda Tianyu Phase 1 North District (excluding Building 1)

3. Yanta District and other driving Poyangzhai Village in Po -Sop

4. Qujiang New District China Railway International Community Longdi Community

5. Changan District Wequ Street, Jianwangjing Village, Shaanxi Chaohui Renewal Resource Trading Market (Dafeng Regenerative Art Museum)

6. Yanta District Changyanbao Street Sunshine Lidu Community (including shops)

7. Qujiang New District Qujiang Xiangdu Community Vanke Honey Pomelo Community

8. Lanjia Village, Xinzhu Street, International Port District

Omikon BA.5 strikes

One picture understands the history of mutation of new crown strains

Omik Rong BA.5 is fierce

Recently, Xi'an, Beijing, and Shanghai continue to move

It is currently the strongest poisonous strain

Have strong immune escape ability

my country's epidemic prevention and control situation is complicated and severe

Why is the new poison strain called Omik Rong BA.5?

Why does the new crown virus have a Greek name?

From Alpha, Beta, Gamma to Delta, Omikon

What are the differences between generations of viruses?

Let's understand the history of mutation of new crown strains in one picture


Source: Published by Xi'an, Jiefang Daily · Shangguan

Edit: Qin Xiaojian Shu Yunmao Ziyu Junhui

Review: The Health Promotion Division of the Shaanxi Provincial Health and Health Committee

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