Beijing Daxing District Audit Bureau organized the selection of annual outstanding audit projects of the year

Author:Audit observation Time:2022.07.12

In order to give full play to the typical demonstration role of excellent audit projects and strengthen the use of audit results, recently, the Audit Bureau of Beijing Daxing District organized the selection of annual outstanding audit projects. This selection prominent four links:

The first is to optimize the standards. According to the requirements of the Outstanding Audit Projects of the Audit Office and the Municipal Audit Bureau, further modify and improve the "Outstanding Audit Project Score Standards", optimize the setting of the score value, and the setting and scores of the audit results are closer to the Audit Office and the city. The standard of the Audit Bureau.

Second, the department's self -recommendation, the various business departments adopt the method of selecting the best, and conduct self -assessment of the undergraduate audit projects in accordance with the "Outstanding Audit Project Score Standards". At least one project is recommended to participate in the centralized selection of bureaus.

The third is centralized selection. The members of the excellent audit project selection team follow the principle of avoidance of the audit project recommended by each business department, and review and score the audit projects participating in the evaluation.

The fourth is to commend the recommendation, the selected outstanding audit projects publicize the results of the selection in the bureau, and recommend two outstanding audit projects to the Municipal Audit Bureau to participate in the national selection.

Through the selection of excellent audit projects, the demonstration and leading role of excellent projects will be given to the promotion of global audit cadres to further establish a high sense of audit projects. (Picture/Word Wangshuo)

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