Learn the special length!Twin sisters "Upllia" Qingdao 58 Middle School, netizens shouted: Parents are double happiness

Author:Qingdao Education Release Time:2022.07.12

Education All Media Reporter: Song Hanyu

"When doing homework, the thinking is the same, and sometimes the wrong answer is the same." "When learning the piano, the teacher will let us play four -handed bomb, we will be very accurate." The tacit understanding is beyond ordinary people. The reporter learned that after the release of the entrance examination, Fan Yawen and Fan Yiwen from Zhiyuan School were admitted to their ideal high school with 345 points and 340.5 points. Piano ten, art gold awards, participating in dance performances ... In addition to excellent academic performance, this also has a unique talent for twins in art.

Actively find a solution to problems

"Sitting straight, his eyes are always staring at the teacher." In the classroom, Fan Yawen and Fan Yiwen often used this method to help him focus on. After the class, my sister Fan Yiwen will first think about the do not understand the knowledge point that the teacher speaks, and then solve it in time; the sister likes to sort out the wrong questions, and will marked the knowledge points of the question inspection on each wrong question. Essence

Jiang Qingjian, the head teacher of Fan Yawen and Fan Yiwen, said that the two children usually find solutions in their learning problems. In addition to discussing research together, they often go to each teacher to ask questions. "For example, after school, other children go home, and their sisters will stay in a certain teacher's office and ask the teacher to ask their various questions." Teacher Jiang mentioned that the mentality of the two children's mentality during the middle school entrance examination was in the middle school entrance examination. They are all adjusted very well. On the one hand, the confidence brought by their own strength, and on the other hand, it has a lot to do with their family education.

Sister Fan Yawen told reporters that although she likes mathematics the most, she will often "test" and see the phrase "excellent heart, not gorgeous, but must be strong", and you will think that you must treat life with a stable attitude. Various bumps, welcome the last glory.

"Every day that never dances is a disappointment of life." This is the favorite sentence of sister Fan Yiwen. She said that this sentence reminds me that every day I have to work hard to realize my dreams. The meaning of life is the active life every day.

Don't pass your anxiety to your children

"Mom will always accompany us to study" "Mom will comfort and encourage us when the test results are not satisfactory" as the mother of the two children. Jiang Juling said that he often has nervousness, but he never let the children feel the anxiety of parents Essence "Because parents' anxiety will increase the pressure of children invisibly. However, it will make anxiety and keep a relaxed family environment so that they will treat the middle school entrance examination with their usual hearts." Jiang Juling often tells the sisters to "take the normal homework as the middle school entrance examination. To learn the mentality of the middle school entrance examination as the usual homework.

"Both children have their own rhythm. Do not compare one child with another child. This is very important." Jiang Juling, who was anxious because of the different rhythms of the sisters, found that respecting the child's opinions and not letting their ideas do not do it right. Children cause trouble and let them learn according to their own rhythm and will achieve better results.

The reporter learned that during the review of the high school entrance examination, Fan Yawen and Fan Yiwen's parents also did their best to accompany the sisters. "Two people gave up all the opportunities for business trips, and they were delivered from daily schools to daily daily meals. They were not absent." Jiang Juling said, "I just want to share the pressure of the entrance examination with my children."

Seeing Yawen and Yi Wen finally entered into their ideal 58 middle schools, Jiang Juling was also very happy. She hoped that the sisters would continue to study hard on the new platform. Expect.

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