National Highway Network Plan is released: Total scale is about 461,000 kilometers

Author:Zhongxin Jingwei Time:2022.07.12

Zhongxin Jingwei, July 12th. According to the official website of the National Development and Reform Commission, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Transport have recently issued the National Highway Network Plan (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"). The scale is about 461,000 kilometers, consisting of the National Highway Network and the Ordinary National Highway Network, of which about 162,000 kilometers (including about 8,000 kilometers including the vision of the vision), and the general national highway is about 299,000 kilometers.

In order to implement the "Fourteenth Five -Year Planning of the National Economic and Social Development and the Outline of the 2035 Far View Target", the "National Comprehensive Stereo Traffic Network Planning Outline", optimize and improve the national highway network, and strongly support the modern economic system and the socialist modern power. Construction and prepare this plan. The planning period until 2035, the vision is out of the middle of this century.

The "Planning" proposes that by 2035, a modern and high -quality national highway network is basically built in a wide range of modern high -quality national highway networks with a wide range of coverage, intensive, high -efficiency, green intelligence, safe and reliable, and safe and reliable. Qunjun multi -road connectivity, urban agglomeration inter -urban convenience and smooth flow, prefecture -level cities high -speed Changda, county -level nodes are fully covered, and along the coastal highway along the border.

Wide coverage. The national highway is fully connected to the prefecture -level administrative center, the population of the urban area is 100,000 more than a listed county and an important land border port. The general national highway is fully connected to the county level and above administrative districts, important national tourist attractions, and land border ports.

Complete function. The national highway realizes the capital radiation of the provincial capital, multi -channel connection between the provincial and urban agglomerations, and comprehensively connects the Asian Highway Network and the International Economic Cooperation Corridor. The national highway traffic capacity has been significantly improved, the technical level structure of ordinary national highway has improved significantly, and it has effectively supported the construction of a national comprehensive three -dimensional transportation network.

Advanced efficient. It is convenient to connect all comprehensive transportation hub cities and important transportation hubs, which is more smooth to connect with other transportation methods, and cities' transit traffic is more efficient. The key channels such as cross -sea and cross -river and river crossing are more intense.

Green intelligence. The national highway network effectively avoids ecological protection areas and environmental sensitive areas, which has significantly improved the efficiency of land and space, and basically achieves the entire process of construction and greening throughout the cycle. It is more closely integrated with the transportation service network, information network, and energy network. The digital transformation has taken a solid step, and basically realized the intelligent operation of operation management and digitalization of travel scenarios.

Safe and reliable. The toughness of the national highway network is significantly enhanced, the reliability of natural disasters, geographical natural blocking, and border areas have improved significantly, facilities have improved significantly, and have the ability to respond to various major security risks.

By the middle of this century, a high -level completion is matched with modern and high -quality countries, combined with advanced information networks, coordinated with ecological civilization, unified with the overall national security view, and the people's beautiful life needs to be compatible with the need for people to be suitable for people. Highway network, which strongly supports comprehensively building a modern economic system and a socialist modern power.

The total scale of the national highway network is about 461,000 kilometers, consisting of the National Highway Network and the Ordinary National Highway Network. Among them, the national highway is about 162,000 kilometers (including about 8,000 kilometers of vision lines), and the ordinary national highway is about 299,000 kilometers.

The "Plan" clearly clearly builds the recent construction focus. During the "14th Five -Year Plan" period, the orderly promotion of national highway construction that has an important role in strengthening international, regional, provincial, and intercity connections, prioritizing opening the main lines and inter -provincial pending road sections to achieve realization The main line of the "71118" national highway is basically connected; promoting the implementation of Beijing -Shanghai, Beijing -Hong Kong -Macao, Changshen, Shanghai -Kunming, Lianhuo and other national highway congestion sections to expand the capacity and improve the traffic capacity of the main road channels.

Accelerate the construction of ordinary national highway, give priority to opening up the national roads such as G219 and G331, and basically eliminate the exterior sections of ordinary national roads; quality transformation of the Sichuan -Tibet Highway G318 line, promote the transformation of urban agglomerations and urban transit sections, and realize the eastward east The general national highway in the central region basically reaches the second and above standards, and the proportion of highways in the second and above of ordinary national highway in the western region reached 70%.

The national highway network that is basically built with the national comprehensive three -dimensional traffic network and effectively meets the needs of passenger freight, and the national highway has a significant enhancement of the support and leading role of the domestic and international dual -cycle aorta. (Zhongxin Jingwei APP)

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