Henan Governor Quality Award selection launched the first personal award

Author:Nanyang Weiban Time:2022.07.12

On July 11, the reporter learned from the Provincial Market Supervision and Administration Bureau that the Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security, the Provincial Office of Strategic Work Leading Group, and the Provincial Market Supervision and Administration Bureau recently issued the "About 2020-2021 Henan Provincial Provincial Provincial Province of Henan Province The notice of the selection of long quality awards "is clear about the scope of selection and application conditions. This is the first revision of the "Administrative Measures for the Governor's Governor Quality Award of Henan Province". For the first time, the province has launched the governor's quality award selection and added a personal award.

The Governor's Quality Award is established by the provincial government. The award has made outstanding contributions to the province of strong construction and has a significant demonstration role in the whole society. The Governor Quality Award from 2020 to 2021 is divided into organizations and individuals, with a total number of not more than 8. Participating organizations include superior enterprises or organizations in industries such as agriculture, manufacturing, engineering construction, and service industries in the administrative area of ​​Henan Province; the individual participating in the evaluation includes front -line staff in various industries in Henan Province, various organizational quality managers, quality fields, quality fields Experts and scholars, etc.

From the perspective of specific conditions, the participating organizations must be a legal person or other organizations established in the administrative area of ​​our province to run normally for more than 5 years. Leading, strong quality innovation ability, outstanding brand advantages, business performance or outstanding social contribution. Participants must engage in the research of first -line work, enterprise quality management practice or quality management for a long time, and make outstanding contributions to the province's quality management system, model, method innovation and quality development cause, and have no violations of laws, violations, and disciplinary behaviors.

Eligible participation organizations and individuals shall submit the application materials, preliminary review recommendations and local government recommendations to the Secretariat of the Governor Quality Award Review Committee before September 30, 2022. The units and individuals at or above the deputy department level (or equivalent to the deputy department level) are not selected this time, and the county -level and above party committees and governments; the county -level cadres do not exceed 20%of the commendation quota in principle.

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