Good people Shandong | He Aihong!Because of you, this scenic spot in Henan is free of tickets for all Shandong people this year

Author:Jinan Times Time:2022.07.12

A few days ago, the "Shandong female nurse" rescued tourists in a scenic spot in Henan to attract a lot of attention. The reporter learned that in order to thank her in Luoyang Mountain Scenic Area in Henan, not only did she give her a lot of votes for a lifetime, but she also decided to avoid tickets for people in Shandong.

Shandong female nurse Henan Scenic Area Saves people

On July 11, when the reporter contacted He Aihong, when he heard the reporter's interview, she was a little embarrassed: "This is a trivial matter, that is, to raise my hand, my own career is to save the wounded, and it is really insufficient."

According to He Aihong, on the morning of July 10, she and her friends traveling to the Baiyun Mountain Tourist Resort of Luoyang to climb the mountain. The temperature was high on the same day. After sitting on the ropeway, she bought a ice cream in the store to cool down. When she was going to rest in the gazebo, she saw a lady holding a pale old man standing under the sun, and the old man was vomit. Out of professional judgment, He Aihong felt that the elderly had a precursor to syncope and shock.

"At that time, it was around 10:30 noon. I saw that the old man was particularly thin and pale. It may be because the weather was hot, the ropeway compartment was stuffy, and the air was not circulating. Said that when the situation of the elderly was not good, she rushed forward and said that she was a nurse and asked her family to hear her command.

He Aihong and his family supported the elderly to a cool place, so that the old man lying down to understand the basic situation of the elderly. He Aihong found that the pulse of the old man was fine and weak. She felt that the elderly had some hypotension, so she quickly asked the family members to buy sugary drinks And straws, let the elderly supplement energy and increase blood capacity.

Zuo Yiwei He Aihong

"The old man who fainted was 78 years old. The family members of the elderly had called 120, but because it was on the mountain, the doctor still took some time to get the elderly to recover as soon as possible. It's come out. "He Aihong said that her body was not good. Because of professional habits, she carried first aid drugs with her. After the old man took the medicine, He Aihong kept observing the state of the old man and kept holding her acupuncture points.

10 minutes later, the medical staff of the scenic spot came to the mountain and measured the blood pressure for the elderly. It was really as expected to be He Aihong. The blood pressure of the elderly was low. When she saw Huoxiang Zhengqi in the first aid box, she quickly opened the elderly to serve the elderly. Essence After another 10 minutes of rest, the old man's body gradually recovered.

After He Aihong supported the old man into the ropeway, he ordered his family to cover up the sun and let her seize her eyes with her eyes. Subsequently, He Aihong also took the ropeway to the mountain. After going down the mountain, the elderly's family members kept expressing her thanks, but He Aihong said that this was what she should do. He Aihong saw that the old man took the vehicle safely, and then let go.

"Free tickets for people in Shandong!"

A move of saving people once moved many people.

"The elderly family members and the scenic area expressed gratitude." What moved He Aihong was that on the way she left Henan to return to Shandong, she once again received a message from the elderly family and the scenic area.

"They said very much for our Shandong people. They said that Shandong people were bold and righteous. They left a deep impression on their hearts for this glorious image. They were very impressed with Shandong people and welcome Shandong people to play and travel." He Aihong Say.

The old man's family thanks He Aihong

Luoyang Baiyun Mountain Scenic Area thanks to He Aihong

He Aihong said that at the time on the mountain, the person in charge of the scenic spot was very grateful. One said that she would avoid all tickets and accommodation costs, and invited her to live for two days. But she had already been in the tour at the time, so she returned. I did not expect that in just a few hours, the scenic area specially issued an announcement that not only gave her tickets, but also had to avoid tickets for people in Shandong.

Screenshot of Luoyang Baiyun Mountain Scenic Area Announcement

"In order to show the gratitude to the nurses of He Aihong and the people of Shandong in the Third People's Hospital of Shandong Heze, and to promote the positive energy of society together, so that more people can get the help of strangers on their own at the time of crisis, Luoyang Baiyunshan Tourism Resort decided to start from now on. By December 31, 2022, the people of Shandong visited the Baiyunshan Scenic Area with their ID cards with their ID cards, and the ropeway was half price! "The scenic spot said in the announcement.

"Our Shandong people are used to fun." It is understood that He Aihong is 52 years old and is a nurse at the Department of Orthopedics of the Third People's Hospital of Heze City. He has been in the industry for 33 years. Her parents are also medical staff. Education from an early age is to respect the elderly, love the young, and save the wounds.

Netizens from Shandong "Ru Song": I have to say that you are the most beautiful white angels!

Netizens from Henan "Yangtian often laugh": praise the feat of the most beautiful nurse! Praise the positive energy of Baiyun Mountain Scenic Area!

Netizens from Henan "say everything, it is better to be silent": one person benefits a province and pays tribute to the heroine of Shandong!

Netizens from Zhejiang "Cloud of the Sky": Like the Shandong people.

Facing the praise of netizens, He Aihong seemed to be shy. She said that she has been a nurse for 33 years and has also done in the emergency department and surgery. Therefore, it is more experienced to treat the sudden illness. "In high temperature weather, especially in the place where life is unfamiliar, once I get sick, I will be very anxious and afraid. I must appease the emotions of the patient and their families before getting more effective information about the patient, so that the right medicine can be applied to the right medicine. . The weather is hot. When we go out, we must pay attention to sun protection, drink plenty of water, and rest in time. When you feel unwell, don't force it, we must seek medical treatment in time. "He Aihong said.

The reporter learned that this is not the first time He Aihong has been enthusiastic to save people outside the province.

"Once on the train to Beijing, a similar patient was saved." He Aihong recalled that she took her 12 -year -old daughter to Beijing at the time. On the way, she called a passenger on the train to faint. She took her daughter with her daughter. Crossing seven or eight carriages and successfully cured the passenger.

"I am from Shandong. Our Shandong people help others. It is a habit. In the future, I will do things that need help. I will do it without hesitation!" He Aihong said.

Source:, Heze Daily

Edit: Weekend

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