30 major matters based on the 70th anniversary of the prefecture to help the long -term development of Yanbian

Author:Yanji Propaganda Time:2022.07.12

On July 11, the reporter learned from the press conference of the 70th anniversary celebration of Yanbian Prefecture that in order to fully handle the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the state, the state party committee and the state government focus on the implementation of 30 major issues of the 70th anniversary celebration of Jianzhou The content covers nine aspects such as policy support, project construction, cultural and sports activities, foreign publicity, tourism promotion, red education, people's livelihood practices, economic and trade activities, and large -scale meetings.

details as follows:

1. The Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government are requested to formulate and introduce the "Opinions on Supporting Several Policies and Measures of High -quality Development in the New Era of Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture" to provide strong policy support for the high -quality development of Yanbian.

2. Hold the "Eastern Landscape Storage Three Gorges" project seminar to promote the provincial government to introduce the development plan of the "Eastern Landscape Storage Three Gorges" to build a national clean energy base.

3. Construction of Yanji Ali Lang Football Park and holding a completion ceremony to create new landmarks in the city.

4. Build the Yanbian Workers' Cultural Palace and create important cultural places with national characteristics.

5. Construction of Yanbian Infectious Disease Hospital and delivering them; actively connect with Zhejiang Province First Hospital of Zhejiang Province, apply for the construction of the National Regional Medical Center of Yanji City; use the medical resources of Jida University Affiliated Hospital to promote Yanji, Wang Qing, Antu, Yanbian Hospital and Jida affiliated affiliated to Jida University The hospital has carried out related cooperation to improve the level of public medical and sanitation and emergency treatment capabilities; promote the establishment of branches in Yanji in Jilin University to enrich the supply of high -quality education.

6. Accelerate the relocation of Yanji military and civilian airports, prepare feasible research reports to report to the military commission's logistics security department and the National Civil Aviation Administration for review, and promote substantial progress in the early stage of work.

7. Complete the construction of fast bus (BRT), the fourth phase of the Central Road in Yanji City, and the extension of the Yanhe Road extension project.

8. Build a Yanji Dinosaur Garden (Yanji Dinosaur Kingdom) and hold the opening ceremony of the scenic area to create a new brand of Yanbian tourism.

9. Implement the comprehensive water conservancy management project in the Burchong River City of Yanji City, complete the construction of rivers dams, music fountains, parking lots, green belts and other facilities, and dress up the city landscape.

10. Complete the construction of the Junquan River International Port Inspection Building to further enhance the port service function.

11. Create the Nanhu Night Economic Cluster Area in Dunhua City and cultivate new hotspots of consumption.

12. Jianjian Yanbian Tourism Distribution Center to enhance tourism service functions.

13. With the theme of "glory and huge changes in 70 years", coordinate online and offline, and internal and external media resources in the state, carry out publicity and promotion activities for all media, open a special issue of the 70th anniversary of Jianzhou, and form a strong promotional momentum.

14. Hold the classic book and film work exhibition, boutique book show, and classic works concerts of the "Red Sun Zhao Border Yanbian People's Hearts", promote the excellent traditional culture of China, inherit the innovation of the Korean Korean culture, and further cast a consciousness of the Chinese nation's community.

15. With the theme of "Welcome to the Great New Era of Jianzhou's 70 -year Acura", carry out the original song collection event to celebrate the 70th anniversary of Jianzhou, and launch a batch of classic and easy -to -sing classic songs.

16. Establish the theme sculpture of the Chinese nation community consciousness theme at the North Square of Yanbian Museum.

17. Hold the Yanbian Museum to organize the "Advance with the Motherland" Yanbian State National Unity and Progress Exhibition, organize the exhibition in Beijing to focus on showing new changes in the 70 years of Yanbian's 70 -year development.

18. Announcement and symposium on the 70th anniversary celebration of Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture in Beijing.

19. Production and broadcasting the 70th anniversary of the establishment of Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture and comprehensive documentary films to comprehensively enhance the popularity and influence of Yanbian.

20. Carry out the "Hundred Flowers and Singing Singing and Dance" culture to take the grass -roots level and "Book Fragrant Sharing Dream Village" book enters the countryside activities to enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the masses.

21. Hold the 2022 Yanbian Cultural Tourism Season "Cloud on the Cloud" series of activities to further start the "Beautiful China • Fresh to Yanbian" brand.

22. Organize the "red -border of the revolutionary old district" patriotic education picture exhibition, inherit the red gene, and consolidate the power of struggle.

23. Carry out the "9 • 3 sending warmth" activity to allow the people of all ethnic groups to share the 70 -year development results of the establishment of the state.

24. Create 136 demonstration villages of livable and livable and beautiful rural villages, transform 2 million square meters of urban old communities, transform 1,000 units of urban shantytowns, transform 10,000 farm toilets, and promote the continuous improvement of urban and rural living environment.

25. In undertaking the China Football Association U13, U15, and U21 National Youth Football League, hold the 22nd State Games and Yanbian Football Star Invitational Tournament to further enhance the popularity of Yanbian's "hometown of football".

26. Hold the 13th "Jilin Yanji · Tumenjiang Regional International Investment and Trade Fair" and the first Yanchang Commercial Conference in 2022, attracting more merchants to invest in Yanbian to invest in business.

27. Hold the "Yingzhou Celebration, He 9 • 3" National Consumption Festival, and issue a "big gift package" of 100 million yuan in consumer coupons.

28. The 70th anniversary of the establishment of Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture was held.

29. Grandly held the 16th national unity and progress commendation conference in the state.

30. Hold a variety show "Concentric Circle Dream".

- END -

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