National Development and Reform Commission: Establish and improve the monitoring mechanism of highway debt risk

Author:Zhongxin Jingwei Time:2022.07.12

Zhongxin Jingwei, July 12th. On the 12th, the National Development and Reform Commission held a special press conference on the relevant situation of the National Highway Network Plan. Zhou Xiaoqi, deputy director of the Infrastructure Development Department of the National Development and Reform Commission, said that the "Plan" proposes to strictly control local debt risks, establish and improve the monitoring mechanism of highway debt risk, and strictly control the scale of new projects in the region.

A reporter asked: In the future, the national highway network construction tasks are still heavy. In the process of construction, a lot of funds and land are required. What specific measures are there in the implementation guarantee of strengthening planning?

Zhou Xiaoqi introduced that "Planning" proposed policies and measures to ensure the implementation of planning.

The first is to strengthen planning and coordination. Strengthen the coordination of cross -departments, cross -regional, and cross -industry integration, in accordance with the principles of "planning for planning and hierarchical responsibility", strengthen centralized and policy coordination, and work together to promote the implementation of planning.

The second is to strengthen the implementation of planning implementation. Strengthen the connection with related plans such as land and space, in accordance with the requirements of intensive and efficient and efficient, reasonably ensure the supply of land resources for national highway construction, and accelerate the application procedures for construction procedures such as sea forests, environmental impact assessments, and soil and water conservation in accordance with the law. Implementation provides policy and factor support.

The third is to improve the funding guarantee mechanism. Reform and innovate investment and financing policies, and further improve multi -channel, multi -level, and diversified investment and financing models. On the basis of implementing the responsibility of the right to expending and strengthening the guarantee of fiscal funds, it is encouraged to attract social capital to participate in national highway construction. Encourage the properly carried out in the field of highway in the highway field to pilot the real estate investment trust fund (REITs) pilot to actively conduct active survival assets. Amend the "Highway Law" and "Toll Highway Management Regulations" in a timely manner, adjust the toll road policy, and promote the sustainable and healthy development of the highway.

The fourth is to strictly control the risk of local debt. Persist in do our best, do what you do, rationally determine the scale of construction and the rhythm of construction, scientifically demonstrate the timing and construction standards of project construction, strengthen the comparison of technical solutions, reasonably control the cost of the project, and steadily and orderly promote project construction. Establish and improve the monitoring mechanism of highway debt risk, and strictly control the scale of new projects in the region of heavy debt burden.

Fifth, optimize planning implementation management. Implement the power and responsibilities of governments at all levels in highway construction, operation, maintenance, and management, and improve the quality of road maintenance and operation management. Carry out the national highway network line planning, project preliminary work, and major engineering argumentation, do a good job of adjusting the national highway naming number, and promote the implementation of planning steadily and orderly. At the same time, we will strengthen the progress of planning implementation and the monitoring and analysis of results, carry out planning and evaluation in a timely manner, and standardize the dynamic adjustment or revision of planning. (Zhongxin Jingwei APP)

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