Industry | Shandong: "Open Door Thinking" enhances the toughness of the development of the cultural tourism industry

Author:Cultural Tourism China Time:2022.07.12

The construction of key cultural tourism projects in Shandong accelerated

The development of the cultural tourism industry is related to the overall economic and social situation, which can not only promote the high -quality integration of cultural tourism, but also promote more employment and social benefits. Over the past five years, the Shandong Cultural Tourism System has adhered to the "opening of the door", jointly related to the relevant aspects, jointly promoting the development of the cultural tourism industry, creating fist products, and sharing the integration bonus. Wang Lei, secretary of the party group and director of the Shandong Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, introduced that Shandong will firmly grasp the strategic base point of expanding domestic demand, give full play to the basic role of consumption, actively conform to the new trend of residents' consumption The cultural tourism industry is tough.

Follow the consumer needs of residents

In late May, the "Rural Good Season · Rural Open Season" event led by the Shandong Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism and sponsored by the Shandong Provincial Rural Tourism Association. The "Rural Good Season · Village Open Camp Season" has started from May 21st, and it will end on September 7th. During the period, 5 · 21 "Xiaoman Leye · Rural Operation Season" was launched, rural camping equipment carnival, "new rural lifestyle" cross -border forum, etc. At the same time, it will also promote industry specifications such as rural camping, operations and other industries. Formulate to guide the healthy and orderly development of rural camping.

Zhao Yong, director of the Resources Development Division of the Shandong Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, introduced that the "Rural Good Season · Village Open Camp Season" aims to meet the new needs of cultural tourism consumption of the general public, lead the new experience of "rural micro -vacation" leisure life, and continuously enhance rural tourism. Connotation and quality, guide the healthy and orderly development of rural exposure formats, actively promote the development of the cultural tourism industry and help rural revitalization.

The cultural tourism industry is rich and diverse. How to achieve high -quality development? Shandong traces the source of the source, follows the consumer needs of residents, and upgrade products and services with multiple measures. Jinan Cultural and Tourism Bureau Party Secretary and Director Xing Liang said that the local area will launch the sixth cultural and tourism consumption season of Jinan City, and plans to invest 25 million yuan in consumer funds for cultural travelers. Link the platforms such as UnionPay, Meituan, Cat Eye, and focus on the upgrading of consumption in the fields of cultural tourism in scenic spots, homestays, cultural and creative cultural tourism, and better meet the diverse and quality tourism needs of citizens and tourists.

Promote the industrial chain upgrade

In order to thoroughly tap the historical humanities and tourism resources of Linyi City, and to play the role of tourism in economic growth, recently, the 2022 "Leyou Yimeng XIN Experience · Linyi People Tour Linyi" activity was launched. The activity is based on the market market, strengthen resource integration, product research and development, and policy promotion. Through the city and county linkage, county interaction, government -enterprise combination, cultivate new highlights of tourism consumption in the city, and promote the development of cultural and tourism to high -quality development.

Zhong Chengchun, secretary of the party group of Linyi City Culture and Tourism Bureau, said that connecting with the current tourism demand hotspots and the tourism market segmentation. Linyi City rely on "green Yimeng", "red style" and "Wen Tao Wu strategies" and other eight boutique tourism product systems. Create a unique city -free XIN experience and four seasons theme products. The counties and districts have launched local specialty products in combination with reality to stimulate tourists to experience the enthusiasm of new products and new lines. At the same time, for the tourism market in the city, highlighting quality tourism, micro -tourism, young group tourism, county tourism and other key products.

In Yantai City, the local relying on the unique marine cultural tourism resources, focusing on project construction, focusing on the construction of marine cultural tourism destinations with distinctive characteristics, well -equipped facilities, high -quality services, and different development. The work system of one chain office, one league, one base, two platforms ", through all links of investment, construction, production, service, and consumption, forming a higher level of dynamic balance with demand -to -supply supply and supply creation demand, promoting the industrial extension chain, supplementing Chain and strong chain, build a new pattern of development.

Liu Xuexiang, director of the Cultural and Tourism Bureau of Yantai City, told reporters that Yantai intends to give full play to the role of the city's cultural tourism industry school -enterprise (talent) cooperation alliance, strengthen Yantai Cultural Tourism Vocational College, Shandong School of Industry and Commerce, and Yantai Blue Astronomical Tourism Management Co., Ltd. Yantai Cultural Tourism Development Group and other cultural tourism industry chain leading corporate companies cooperate to carry out series of activities such as academic discussions, integration of production and education, and collaborative innovation, and create a political politics that “integrates talent wisdom, exchange industry resources, promote production talents, and seek innovation development”. School -enterprise cooperation demonstration platform helps the cultural tourism industry with high -quality development.

Guaranteed measures are pragmatic and effective

Recently, Shandong released the third batch of high -quality development policies for "steady progress" in 2022. 22 heavy policies have been launched from two aspects of strengthening the rescue of enterprises and actively expanding internal and external needs. Among them, policies such as innovative financial products and services, supporting rural tourism development, temporary retirement service quality margin, entrusted travel agency agents, issuing consumer coupons, and discounts in tourist attractions to promote the high -quality development of the cultural and tourism industry in various aspects.

Not long ago, the Shandong Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism and China Agricultural Bank of China Shandong Branch signed a strategic cooperation agreement for financial service culture and tourism development in Jinan, and jointly issued "Cultural Tourism Revitalization Loan" products. The two parties will carry out all -round cooperation in the fields of quality upgrades, national cultural parks, rural tourism, and digital cultural industries to achieve resource sharing and complementary advantages, and help the high -quality development of the cultural and tourism industry in Shandong Province.

Yihu, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of the Bank of China Shandong Branch, said that "Cultural Tourism Revitalization Loan" is an innovative credit product supporting the development of the cultural and tourism industry in Shandong Province. The elements are more fit. It mainly includes two major products: cultural tourism financing loan and cultural tourism, which will effectively help various cultural and tourism business entities to respond to the impact of the epidemic and increase operating efficiency. Cultural Tourism Rong Loan is distributed for enterprises and institutions and is used in the development, construction and operation of project development, construction and operation of key areas of culture and tourism; Loans for business activities such as decoration and transformation. "Building a new development pattern is a major opportunity for revitalizing culture and tourism. There is a great promotion of cultural tourism consumption." Wang Lei said that Shandong Cultural Tourism System will conscientiously implement the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Shandong Provincial Party Committee, and Government decision -making and deployment, and vigorously enrich cultural tourism. High -quality supply, continuously improve the long -term mechanism of cultural tourism consumption, and fully release the potential and vitality of the cultural tourism industry.

Responsible editor: Yang Zisi

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